Well I worked for many years in low paying jobs-fast food,motels, delivering pizzas. I started working in a law enforcement field nearly 8 years ago, and have been there ever since. I always was interested in law enforcement and fire/rescue when I lived in Kentucky, so I finally entered the Corrections field in 1999. It's a decent paying job with benefits galore, I have lots of sick time built up along with lots of vacation time. The job didnt require a college degree, so that's where I've been for the past 8 years.------------------------. I like the people I work with, and Im comfortable just being myself around them. Im just not happy with my job anymore, and Im thinking about starting a whole new career, but where do I begin? Do colleges offer some kind of career aptitude tests, do they have some kind of guidance counselor? I dont have that many hobbies, I mainly like to travel, eat out, jet ski, 4 wheeling. Im into music alot, yet I play no instrument.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do have quite a bit extensive medical knowledge, but dont know if I want to pursue that as a career. My job is Ok, but I still feel like Im shortchanging myself if I stay there. If I quit I will lose everything I have built up, and would have start over again n another career from the ground floor. ----------------------------------------------I dont know what to do, any suggestions?
Career Change???
by Junction-Guy 14 Replies latest jw friends
Colleges may offer career aptitude testing for a fee. Some areas have a Vocational Rehabilitative Services office where it can also be done for a fee, along with personality testing and interest inventory. A cross-section of all three tests taken together provides the best answer of what may be the best long term 'fit' for a person, career-wise. If you have disabilities that impact your ability to continue with the field you're in now and/ or could benefit from a change in job placement or further education, these services may even be provided to you free. I'm sure you could find a VRS website to tell you more; it's a federal program, so every state has one.
Lab Tech. Good pay, good benefits, not too much schooling, but enough needed.
Can you "upgrade" to a higher level in the field you are in now? This way, you may not lose any seniority, or pay cuts.
Apostate Kate
The first thing that hit me for you was medical sales. You can make plenty of money to travel and will on the job, will eat out at fine restaurants, make plenty of money for jet ski's and a quadrunner.
What I found was that after being a dub, we are darn good at sales. I made over $1000 a week working part time in sales in Hawaii with no experience and it was FUN.
Madame Quixote
Have you checked out the human resources/career advancement pathways in your own current field? Maybe moving up instead of 'throwing the baby out with the bath water' would help?
If you're already employed by the state, city or federal government, you should be able to locate grants and career advancement/training galore; although you might need to consider a new geographic area.
Are there any specialty areas within law enforcement you might consider, elsewhere in your state or city?
I know someone who worked in the Corrections field and is retired now. His pension is amazingly high!
On the other hand, it's nice to enjoy what you do. You've gotten some good suggestions so far!
Good luck with whatever you decide!
First of all how old are you?
What do you like? Science? Art? Teaching? etc.
If you are over 50, look out, chances are you will find it difficult to get a job in a field without experience. Choices could be slim.
Forget the money. Find something in line with what you like to do. Counselor would be advisable if you cannot decide for yourself. If you like what you do the money will follow. Patience is a vertue my friend.Good luck.
Lab Tech. Good pay, good benefits, not too much schooling, but enough needed.
I second that. :) The medical field is a great place to be, and since you have experience/knowledge, you have a foot in already. There may be online aptitude tests, but a local college (or even high school?) would be able to help you too, I'd think. ~merfi, a lab tech :)
I work at a community and technical college. One test we have students to take is this one:
It helps them understand where their personality strengths lie. I am an "ENFP"
We also administer some career related tests, but the school "subscribes" to them and you have to have an access number. I see an online test, though, that claims to be "free" -- you just have to register. You might want to take a look:
If you are going to take the test, you will need about a half hour. Also you have to click "no thanks" about a million times on advertising. But at the end, it gave me a pretty accurate description of what I already know to be my strengths and weaknesses in personality and career preferences.
I agree with others who have posted that you might be best served by staying within the same retirement system. I was able to go from working in public K-12 school to working in a community college while staying in the same retirement system. I am making more money and enjoy my job in the college much more than the public school setting. So take a look AROUND YOU before looking AWAY FROM YOU.
Also, some employers will pay for at least part of your educational cost if you are looking to move "up" in your current job area.
Experts say it is always best to be looking for another job while you are still employed. It is a conundrum that employers prefer hiring someone who is currently employed over someone who is not. Go figure -- but my husband found that out the hard way when he left a job BEFORE finding another one. His "job search" took 2 1/2 years and nearly bankrupted us (didn't help our marriage either, but we have recovered from that thankfully.)
Best wishes on your journey!!
(I'm posting from Firefox, so if this comes out weird, sorry about that :-( )