Im surprised I havent posted anything like this before. I believe im Jinxed. Everything I touch turns to crap. Here is a rundown, can you top this?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back in 2002 we were planning our trip to Colorado, about 1 week before we were to leave I said "let's take the scenic route" I-40 to Amarillo, then up through New Mexico into Colorado. 3 days later and 4 days before we were to leave a barge struck the interstate bridge and it collapsed in Oklahoma-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------back in 2004 as we were entering into Dallas on our way to the Apostafest, the most awe inspiring thunderstorm was hitting the Dallas area, unbelievably sized lightning bolts. Days after returning home from Dallas, Dallas was once again hit by a major storm that cause extensive hail damage in downtown.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In August 2004, I was planning on visiting Florida for a vacation, about 2 weeks before I was to leave, I had my mind set on going to Punta Gorda to a waterfront dining/shopping area, called "Fisherman's Village", well guess what? 10 days before my vacation Hurricane Charlie devastated Punta Gorda and destroyed Fishermans Village. I still go on to Sarasota Florida and guess what? A Cat 5 hurricane forms in the Atlantic, followed by 2 more, Florida is being evacuated, and I have to leave early. The good news is this cancelled the District Convention, not that I was gonna go LOL------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh wait there's more-Lets see, back in 2001 as I was planning a trip to see my grandma in Florida, my grandma informs me "we are under water restrictions due to drought", by the time I hit the florida line it rains, and it rains, and it rains for all 3 days of my visit.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There's still more---Well back in 2005 we were on our way to the Apostafest in Dallas once again, and had decided to visit my stepsister in Louisiana, I couldnt decide if we wanted to go and spend the extra money in New Orleans or not, so I finally told Amanda, "you know, we better go and visit New Orleans because alot of things could happen between now and next year" Alot of things did happen-Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans within 4 months.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well let's see, since I bought the Monte Carlo I have been backed into, sidewiped in a parking lot, even a semi truck blew a tire and destroyed my bumper.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I--I wil add more to this as I think of it, but Im sure you get the picture. Oh I almost forgot, the guys at work blamed all of those fires in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado on my bad luck, since I had just visited those states.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can your bad luck change the weather like mine? I love to see a heavy snowfall every now and then. Back in Kentucky in 1993 they were giving heavy snow reports for the area, I cancelled a trip to Ohio because I wanted to see the snow, the snow never fell. One week later they were predicting another heavy snowfall, and I said the heck with it, Im going to Ohio. After I got up to Ohio the blizzard of the century hit Eastern Kentucky, Western Ohio didnt get any snow.------------------------------------------------------------Can you top all of this? Am I Jinxed or what?
I'm a Jinx--anyone else?
by Junction-Guy 22 Replies latest jw friends
Here's another-- the last 2 years that I went to the WNFJ conference in Pennsylvania it rained, in fact in 2005 it rained so much that there was major flooding in PA by the time I got home.
I would not look at it as being a jinx, you are where things are happening!!!
Gives you alot to talk about!!
You get around..........Cool
Yeah, but I always get the opposite of what Im looking for. Im tired right now and getting ready for bed, but later on I will tell you about our moving fiasco to Tennessee in 1996--everything that could have went wrong did.
I have noticed that you seem to have alot of energy connected to you.
Please explain Lisa, Im curious.
That does it Dave--I'm leaving town when you're around! :)
I just thought of something you could do with all of that "energy" Lisa spoke about -- visit as many summer assemblies as possible. Oh, never mind, they're already jinxed.
Lol Java, do ya reckon I jinxed the Air conditioning system at Marion's that day? I was hoping to see Lisa's reply before I went to bed, but I bet I jinxed her computer-LOL
Hey I did end up causing one convention in Florida to cancel due to the hurricane. Maybe I ought to visit some Kingdom halls, do you reckon I would screw the sound system up or cause an electrical circuit to blow?