3 ways we can demonstrate godly fear:
1) Resolving Disputes – 1 Cor 6:1-8 – Don’t take your brother to court. Paul outlined this policy for Christians. Serious disputes such as fraud and slander should be handled in accordance with Matt 18. To avoid reproach on Jehovah’s name, elders should provide direction but not take sides. Settle business matters by using the Bible. Contact the branch if necessary. There are some permissible legal matters that can go to court including 1) insurance compensation, 2) divorce, 3) child custody, 4) alimony, 5) bankruptcy, 6) wills. You can take legal action if the other party sues you first (counter-suit). If you sue your brother, you will be removed as an elder/ms
What a way to keep a victim a victim. Is it a requirement when going to court to tell what your religion is?
If I were an elder and MS, and lets say....a brother has embezzled a million dollard from my business.........in order to stay an elder or MS, I would have to give up pursuing recourse? Is the society going to compensate people for these kinds of arguements? Or does the Society only want things that go to court where an elder or MS has gotten a crappy deal from lets say a CO...what about child molestation, abuse, robbery?
I really don't think I understand this. When a person breaks the law, it brings reproach upon them unless they are representing the organization? I may be way off here, but to me they are saying there is to be no reproach against WT, not Jehovah