That is the conclusion I arrived at after watching the documentary , by Alex Gibney called, "The Human Behavior Experiments" on the cable TV Sundance channel tonight.
One person is taking a consumer survey in a closed room and sees smoke coming in under the door- they immediately get up , leave and call for help.
The experiment is repeated with three people, two of them are paid to sit and have no response to the smoke coming in under the door. The third person who is the test subject, fidgets, looks worried, and squirms as the smoke gets thicker. She does nothing, even as it gets thick enough to cause her to begin coughing.
An assistant Mgr at a McDonalds restaurant receives a phone call from an alleged Police detective. He tells the woman that there is an employee that he wants searched for illegal drugs. Since the man sounds like a policeman, she complies and the teenage girl who is afraid that she is in trouble with the police goes along with a complete strip search- all taped on a security camera. The caller has the manager call her boyfriend to come to the office, and he takes over the strip search so the Mgr. can go back to work. The boyfriend followed all the telephone instructions of the phoney policeman and even has the teenage girl perform a sex act on him at the end- as orderd by the telephone authority figure. This caller succeeded in victimizing over 60 other people to do simliar things and follow the orders of an alleged police officer Why? He sounded like a policeman.
People can be seduced into doing things they would never normally do. Unchecked power turns men into sadistic rulers.
As long as the KH group survives, then an individual is highly motivated to do as the group does. Individuals may see smoke, but group dynamics prevent most of them from doing anything about it. There is a powerful desire to let someone else be responsible for your decisions. JW's are more than willing to let a fictional God-directed organization make their decisions about God and control their life. Why? The GB sounds like God's policemen to them. I truly hope I am wrong about this.
Those of us here on JWD Forum are truly a special group of people to have been able to get out of a cult-like religion that sucks people down like quicksand.