Why did the WTS ever bother to release the KIT?

by AK - Jeff 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    In noting another post regarding a PDF version of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation, I traversed the internet sites of several critics of this translation. Lots of interesting reading, true.

    I wonder why the WTS left the door to accusation so wide open? Did they believe that the flock they were misleading would be so infantile as to never read the direct translation of the Greek posted directly under? Any keen observers [I regret to say that I was not among those at the time of release or soon thereafter] could have found dozens [if not hundreds] of specific translation blunders [from the direct translation into the NWT on the right column] and errors by looking closely at this book.

    They self-comdemned themselves, laid it right under our noses, arrogantly assuming we would not read it and understand.

    Was this a blatant arrogant action by Freddy to show just how easily 'his sheep' could be kept astray while the evidence was right under thier noses? I had a copy in my possession forever, but never saw thru it myself.



  • Honesty
    Why did the WTS ever bother to release the KIT?

    So people like you and me could discover how deceitful they are and hit the EJECT lever before it was too late.

  • garybuss

    These guys are book printers. They print and sell books. The value to them is in the book not the contents. They printed a number of books they didn't write. They even printed a book that said the name "Jehovah" is a blunder.

    Book sales are important . . . really important. Did I mention these guys are book publishers?

  • reneeisorym

    Perhaps they started with good intentions but now they are just too scared to admit that they were wrong?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    They self-comdemned themselves, laid it right under our noses, arrogantly assuming we would not read it and understand.

    Well, yeah, you pretty much summed it up. I mean really, think how many people Still own one, and Still have not read it. How many still just take the Society's word for everything. For those that have read it and still think that the witnesses are the absolute truth, the only thing I can think of is it's because they don't want to see anything other then what they are happy seeing.

    Hope that's not too blunt.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    In case your are confused, what Gary is trying to say is that the WTBTS are book publishers. Just in case u weren't sure

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Hope that's not too blunt.

    Nope BSoM, I like blunt. Been accused of it myself.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Gary has it right again- in simple short straightforward words.

    They are book publishers. I wonder how often I can say that to JW's and they
    won't even catch what I mean.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    These guys are book printers. They print and sell books. The value to them is in the book not the contents. They printed a number of books they didn't write. They even printed a book that said the name "Jehovah" is a blunder.

    Book sales are important . . . really important. Did I mention these guys are book publishers?
    In case your are confused, what Gary is trying to say is that the WTBTS are book publishers. Just in case u weren't sure

    Yep, WaC got it! True enough Gary. I am just amazed how long we could sit on the evidence of their doctrinal foolishness and not see it. Kinda like Moshe's rattlesnake - oops different thread. Lol.


    Well -it's off to the rack for these bones. Carry on men [and girls].

  • truthsetsonefree

    Actually reading the foreword of the original one helped me start questioning. In it they mention how the English translation was not as accurate as possible and so the direct translation could help clear up misunderstandings. I was so shocked that the average JW would never see this and go on believing the NWT was the last word on Scripture. I figured there must be more errors than I had ever thought. Who knows? There may have been some good-hearted soul on the NWT Committee who wanted to say something on all of the errors and this was the best that he could do. Interestingly the foreword has since been revised to Watchtower speak.


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