Osama's Fate?

by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    If Osama Bin Laden is captured and has to come to trial, what should his punishment be if he is found to be guilty of the murder of over five thousand people?

    Who will try him?

    Would Europeans accept any US demands for execution?

    This could get very complicated!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • LDH

    I wonder, EMan, if he wouldn't be handed over to the UN or isn't there some world Tribunal Court that deals with War Criminals?


  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    the death penalty would create a martyr for his followers,
    several lifetime prison terms would eventually be paid by taxpayers,
    indeed a very complex situaton,

  • LDH

    DC's Ghost,

    not necessarily!

    According to Taliban run prisons, if your relatives don't bring you food you'll starve to death! So let's just throw him in prison and wiat for his supporters to show up, so we can nab them too.

    (I actually like this system. Criminals in this country would QUICKLY reform once their family got tired of bringing them food.--The recitivism rate would probably be halved, even if only because of prisoners/criminals who have starved to death! )

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If they want to be martyrs, let's help them achieve that goal.

    They can have all of my houris too.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    i had no idea, they ran their prisons like that, maybe the US can learn a thing or two from such a system,
    personally i like the idea, seems fair. . .

  • Skimmer

    A POW (prisoner of war) does not have the same status as a prisoner of the criminal justice system. A POW does not have a definite sentence, but can be held until hostilities are ended. When every Islamic country switches over to a democratic government with a well established freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of education, and equality of gender, then that would be a condition for the cessation of war of muslim terrorists. Until then, bin Laden and his pals can be held in a military prison, the location of which need not be disclosed.

    In other words, death by incarceration.

  • crossroads

    Clean Shaven and a Dressed in a Political Black suit,
    Fed Mickey D's for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner,
    Housed in the nearest Military Prison to the White House,
    Job---Greeter at the White House, or should he be chained
    to the roof.

  • LDH1

    Now we are onto something!

    Force him to watch CABLE 24/7. Especially MTV. How about hard core porn? Force him to watch naked women parading around (although, with being in prison this wouldn't be a crime for tooooo long, LOL).

    Send him subscriptions to:

    Teen Beat
    US Weekly
    Sports Illustrated
    National Enquirer

    He hates the American way of life so much. Don't give him prison issue garb. Make him wear Adidas and listen to Chuck D rap about "My Adidas."

    Make him listen to ANY rock music. or Rap. House him with Marilyn Manson.

    Great start. He can eat TV dinners and munch on Little Debbie Snack Cakes.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    :) Oh The Humanity!!!

    What, pray tell, constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment"?

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