"JW" asks for Xmas from charity
by Justitia Themis 16 Replies latest social current
Dec. 11, 2006, 8:20PM Husband's injury puts gifts on the wish list Stay-at-home mother of 4 also is looking for a job
By THE GOODFELLOWS EDITOR Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle
Since Tresalyn Gray's husband was injured in a car crash in April, she has focused on dealing with the emotional stress on her family. But with the holidays approaching, financial stress is setting in, too.
Without the income of her husband, Jermaine Giles, who worked for a glass company before he crushed his pelvis and broke his femur, shoulder and facial bones, there's not much money to buy holiday gifts, Gray said. The hospital bills, too, keep adding up.
"After you finish paying all the bills and things, there's nothing," said Gray, 29.
She asked Goodfellows to help make the holiday season special for her four children: A.J., 14; Ikea, 13; Brajae', 10; and Jernay, 6.
"I just wanted a little help, mainly with the two little ones," Gray said, sitting in the living room of the house she rents in northeast Harris County. "The bigger ones, they understand."
Gray had been a stay-at-home mom and an accounting student, but she is now looking for a job, preferably a customer-service or clerical position, to help make ends meet.
She and her children are Jehovah's Witnesses, who do not celebrate Dec. 25 as a religious holiday. But Gray said she usually gives her children some gifts at Christmas so they can fit in with their friends. This is the first time she has had to ask for help, she said.
Giles, 26, recently started walking again and uses a cane to get around the house. But he has a long recovery ahead before he'll be able to work again.
"He was broken from head to toe," Gray wrote to Goodfellows. "Thanks to God, today he breathes normal and is trying to walk again."
I'm wondering if she is baptized or one of those people who study with JWs for awhile and think that makes then JWs. If she is baptized, I think she will be getting a visit from the elders.
Wow. Wow. I wonder how the elders will react when they see this? I wonder what the society literature has to say about fitting in by giving gifts around Christmas time that aren't "Christmas" presents.
This needs to be forwarded to the local congregation where the family live, headquarters in Brooklyn and perhaps every newspaper that runs 'fraud and scam' sections in their local. The issue wasn't about the family being so poor they needed food - it appears to be an article on asking for help to provide holiday gifts and cheer for their kids. This is scamming - either the Society and it's beliefs or else the community of which they wish to have no part of. It certainly points out hypocrisy - blatantly - we don't celebrate Christmas, but, could you give me some gifts for my kids? Puleeze. sammieswife.
Why Georgia
Two of my sister in laws who are JW's always get toys from Toys for Tots and the local firefighters. They also get holiday meals for Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. It has always pissed me off because they act so devout. They won't buy anyone Christmas gifts or come to birthday parties because that would be wrong in Jehovahs eyes....blah blah blah.
In my opinion this is stealing from someone who could really benefit from these acts of charity and it is pure selfishness.
It makes me absolutely livid when people act like this.
These arent the typical JW's, but neither were my Mom and Grandma. They both tried so hard to provide us kids with toys, and to try to help us fit in. I wouldnt turn this woman in, if you do her children will do without. At least these kids have parents who are thoughtful, which is something that is definitely lacking in the JW world. Please dont do it, you will only hurt the kids. Chances are the Elders probably already read it in the newspaper anyway, but still.
I dont have the money, but something about this just tugs at my heart, if I had some money I would send them something out of my heart.
Why Georgia
I know in my sister in laws case. They certainly did not need the toys or any of the things that are given to them. Their kids all have the latest of everything. So they are just being greedy.
Now the lady in the article, I would wonder why the congregation isn't helping her out more. Aren't Jehovahs people supposed to help their own? That is what I was always told.
I'd be interested in reading the letters to the editor later in the week to see what the publics' response is to a JW getting Christmas gifts, cause most people I know would be pretty peeved over this.
One of my JW relatives once Counselledâ„¢ ("scolded" is more like it) me about exchanging gifts within my immediate family on our December wedding anniversary, which is the local custom among JWs. I was told that "it might confuse the children, and make them think that you are celebrating Christmas". Never mind that we didn't use Christmas wrap, or have a Christmas tree, or Christmas lights, or Christmas cards, or have Christmas dinner, or wear Christmas-y clothing, or have any Christmas decorations of any type, no Santa Claus, or reindeer, or fruitcake, or advent calendars... blah blah blah. I don't know what was more insulting: that I was being told to not celebrate my wedding anniversary (by someone who celebrated theirs and every other JWs' wedding anniversary), or the idea that this relative thought that my kids were too dumb to understand the difference.
The next year we were out of the JWs and did have Christmas. The kids definitely knew the difference.
I don't fault this family for trying to normalize things for their kids though. It is hard enough to have to be different from everyone else at school. Being made fun of because you didn't get anything for Christmas is dreadful. I remember it well enough to not want to wish it on any other kid.