My twins aren't unhappy witnesses. They love what they do. They loved street witnessing with my niece in Connecticut. One twin is taking college courses to become a linguist. She goes to Spanish congregations so that she can bone up more on her Spanish. She's also taking courses in sign language so that she can witness to the deaf. The other twin is taking French. They love going out in field service and they love teaching others. They really believe that they are saving people's lives. I'm the unhappy one because I taught them about the religion.
Why does it seem to be unhappy people who are attracted to the JWs?
by new boy 42 Replies latest jw friends
You mentioned "misery loves company" That is a classic!!!!
When i joined 30 years ago,i had a very good job, single, money, girls and i had a lot going for myself, i was not depressed or on drugs or anything else you mentioned.
It was the fact that as a Catholic the bible was not explained to me and now the JW's made the bible an easy book to undestand and the hope they give you of living on earth forever made a lot sense at that time.
Once I got married to a very "spiritual pioneer" that's when my life started going down the toilet.
To be fair to them, many are truly very happy as much as any other religion.
I think about one in ten Witnesses are actually happy.
I put this very question to my wife. "If it's such a great religion, if it's really a spiritual paradise, if it really makes people so happy, then name one happy Witness in our congregation." She thought about for a minute and did indeed name one person (an older married couple, actually).
I had to concede that they were happy. However, my point had been made--nobody else in that godforsaken s**thole of a congregation is happy. Including us. -
We all know that drunk people appear to be "happy". That is until the next morning.
Yes but in order to get past the first chapter of any of the study books, you have to agree that these are indeed "Critical times, hard to deal with " - and the prevailing spirit of the world is "unthankful, disloyal etc".. if you dont see life this way then you will probably not continue the study.
However, there are those who have a good time , as Ms Mcducket said
My twins aren't unhappy witnesses. They love what they do.
Young ones, who have not known anything else, if they are in the right congregation with friends, can have a good life. I know of some in my extended family who are completely immersed (no pun intended) in it all. If you have not seen life from another viewpoint the outside world seems a strange alien place. I was brought up in it and for many years I thought I was well off.
Happy, wealthy, healthy, and wise is the opposite of a Jehovah's Witness. Witnesses by nature have to be discontent and unaccepting. If they're content and accept everything, they won't be attracted to the Witnesses if they are outsiders.
People like me who were raised by Witness parents and active in the group won't want to continue being a Witness if they are able to establish a healthy lifestyle.
Being a Witness under the current terms isn't sustainable.
They can force themselves for a while but eventually, something gives. Often it's psychical health and like most people forced to preform and sustain in an unsustainable situation, they will experience stress symptoms. Stress symptoms can be depression, anxiety, addiction, headaches and other psychosomatic illnesses.
There's a whole menu of psychosomatic illnesses that are disorders having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes. Witnesses seem to be well represented in the numbers with qualifying symptoms. Witnesses also seem to be well represented in the psychotic mental illness category.
I think when we see two "shun your kids" articles in six months, we're seeing a fracture, not a crack. Did I mention being a Witness under the current terms isn't sustainable? -
Where's that person that always shows up on these type threads with the scripture , expectations unrealized makes the heart grow sick? Jesus did encourage the worlds outcasts to come along for the ride , so no problem with the fact that uneducated people join in . You can't be part of the world or friendship with the world is enmity with God.
Actually, I think the WTS trains its members to look for unhappy people, divorced, lost someone to death, ill or someone they love is ill, economic problems, emotional problems, etc.
Why are unhappy people attracted to the JWs?
Because the scriptures they present are about tears being dried and happiness being restored to everyone.
And the many pictures depicting the handicap throwing away their canes and old growing young and loved ones walking out of the graveyards to the waiting arms of their families.
It gets to people where they are hurting. Many people are unhappy and the Watchtower gives them the hope that by joining the religion their troubles will end and their hopes will come true. In reality of course joining the JW religion only compounds and adds to a person's problems and stresses and challenges. You still have your handicaps but now you have to get your butt out in service every month and to the convention somehow once a year. You still have your depression and your unhappy home life but now you have prayer, Bible reading, meetings and field service to help you cope. And by staying uneducated and maintaining a low wage job you will not be sidetracked and distracted by material things, leisure activities and vacations you cannot afford anyway.
Maybe the Watchtower Society is linked to the pharmaceutical companies now and are recruiting for them, since a great percentage of JWs are on meds for depression now.
Just a thought.