Did anyone else do this?The Whole week?I was helping out at my sons school this morning and it was mentioned that one of the jw mothers had removed her child from school for two weeks prior to breaking up for xmas!i knew instantly who it was cos i haven't seen her at the school this week, and she is from a staunch elder family who married someone from my old congration who also has a family of staunch elders/pioneers etc so i guess it should'nt surprise me BUT two whole weeks?!This morning was a normal classroom lesson, ok the two jw kids went off and made mince pies(that made me laugh) but it was lessons as usual. I'm surprised the school would allow this much time off to be honest. I can understand when they kept them all at home for harvest festival afternoon, and next tuesday when the parties are on but i think this is surely going to extremes personally. I wasn't brought up as a jw however so i just wondered if this is normal?(the other strange thing is they let the kids wear non uniform the other day, you were supposed to donate something which would go towards xmas hampers to win and then the kids could wear non uniform for a day, they wore non uniform but didnt donate)
taking jw kids out of school for xmas week
by dobbie 10 Replies latest jw friends
Mrs Smith
I was always sent off to school and told that I needed to learn to make a stand for the truth! I wish my mom was that understanding while I was going up, it would have made things a lot easier.
That's pretty unusual. I never saw that except for a family that took a long vacation during that time...but it wasn't for holiday reasons.
I have found that schools in this area have less and less to do with Xmas at the school setting. I used to have to go to the library a lot (the librarian watched over me...school regulation). Most parents don't have the luxury of their kids staying at home during the holidays because they have to work and get a babysitter.
There were always some extreme JWs and they like everyone to know how "holy" they were.
I should clarify that the child i am talking about is only a four year old so he's not really going to get any 'persecution' from not doing xmas from his classmates, if he was a teen then maybe but theres not that much going on this week at school that is christmassy anyway. I do feel sorry for him as he gets older cos his mum is a total jw through and through, at least the other jw mums in the class don't mind their boys colouring in xmas trees or making mince pies at their age!They son't break up for another week, hes missing out on all this weeks lessons as well.
Four years old...probably not missing as much as at 14 years old.
I don't understand why JW parents just can't talk to the teacher and arrange for something else. Here in the US they are getting more and more sensitive to having school assignments revolve around religious themes.
I don't think the schools here would just let parents take out their children over such an issue; just adjust the curriculum for that child.
What about other holidays? Why not homeschooling, a route some JWs take here to avoid the "contamination" at the schools?
If my school was going to make mince pies I would have wanted to get out also. BLEEEEH!!!!! That is enough to knock a buzzard off a gut wagon.
Other thing is - there are loads of non religious schools around here, why send them to a church of england school anyway (and they wear the uniform with a cross on) when they know all these things are tp of the schools list?
I hate mince pies too -
I am assuming that mince is the same as mince meat here in the states?
Its like some yukky smelly fruit thing, raisins i think. But when i grew up i was convinced it meant mince MEAT as in animal meat!lol