Deepak Chopra.What happens after we die?

by Blueblades 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • trevor

    Last year I clashed with Terry over Deepak Chopra. I supported him Terry didn’t. We all grow and change and I am on the move. I have been entertained by several of his books which are still in my library. But now I am coming round to Terry’s no nonsense, logical - if it doesn’t bark it is not a dog - way of thinking.

    I see many of Deepak Chopra‘s. achievements in cancer remission and others as explainable without resorting to mysticism. In my lifetime I have seen too many people living an imaginary world glued together by nothing more than belief and faith. They wait patiently for an invisible friend to help them when the answer is often sitting on their bookshelf an arms length away.

    The mind is a very powerful tool and can make changes in the body but that alone doesn’t offer proof that there is life after death as an individual continuation of our lives. Deepak Chopra is a nice guy who has inspired thousands of people but that doesn’t mean that his claims have any substance in reality


  • jaguarbass

    I've heard this information from other sources. Accordingly the Jw's will continue with their witless friends through-out eternity.Or until they wake up and smell the coffee. Or maybe they will pass over to their idea of paradise and what ever that holds. I doubt it will be a bed of roses. Remember the original paradise with Adam and Eve didnt last very long before the devil, Gods alter ego, got into the details and gave us our present situation. Anyways they say you got to fight for your right to party and if the jw's pass into a paradise they fought for it, putting up with all the bullcrap they have had to put up with and give out. Think about it Adam and Eves soul journey and those who accompanied them led you and I to this point in time right now.

  • parakeet

    Bstndance: "...a lot of people must be turning into cocroaches for their next life."

    A lot of people are already cockroaches in this life.

    As far as what happens after death, Hamlet said it best: "The readiness is all."

  • Terry
    Last year I clashed with Terry over Deepak Chopra. I supported him Terry didn’t. We all grow and change and I am on the move. I have been entertained by several of his books which are still in my library. But now I am coming round to Terry’s no nonsense, logical - if it doesn’t bark it is not a dog - way of thinking.

    Thanks, Trevor.

    I know I end up sounding like some old curmudgeon in a loin cloth shaking a craggy fist at passersby. But, doggone it; somebody needs to challenge outrageous claims being made without anything more than wishful thinking attached.

    I can't wait to see Chopra's face and haircolor in 20 years when somebody asks him about his AGELESS BODY.

  • proplog2

    DeepSh*t C. Oprah is simply a Charlatan.

    Oh how I would like to believe him or any of the mystics. But it just ain't the way it is.

  • proplog2

    One more thought..

    Only one thing worse than the old religious nonsense.

    NEW religious nonsense.

    However, Terry, I think you are too idealistic. You actually believe some of your musings.

  • Terry
    However, Terry, I think you are too idealistic. You actually believe some of your musings

    I'll entertain an example or two from you.

    Fire away.

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