I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary makes it. I hope not, though.
Who Will Be The Next President Of The USA?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
Or it could be Obama.
Rudi Gulliani
It'll likely be a Democrat. It's their turn, because the presidency usually switches from one party to another within 8 years or less (see below).
The only exception was the 12-year Republican run from 1981-92. Bush 41 rode the coattails of the Reagan revolution to victory in the 1988 election.
1953 - 1960 Republican (Eisenhower)
1961 - 1968 Democrat (Kennedy, Johnson)
1969 - 1976 Republican (Nixon, Ford)
1977 - 1980 Democrat (Carter)
1981 - 1992 Republican (Reagan, Bush 41)
1993 - 2000 Democrat (Clinton)
2001 - 2008 Republican (Bush 43, and Cheney if Bush is unable to complete his term)
2009 - ? Democrat (?????)
I think the GOP will win again if the dems put in Hillary as the candidate. I am doubtful that a woman will be elected, not that I care either way but this country isnt that liberal yet. Personally I would like to see a minority or female Commander in Chief soon, we're overdue.
Democracts. Lets give them a chance to end this mess, foreign and domestic. If they don't, can't do any better, then ??? I think I will sit this one out.
Blue, I thought you were going to say that YOU were gonna have to run for President to straighten the mess out.
The anti christ.
Almost anybody but Hillary... Obama is very unknown still, but he has time to be made known. Rudy Guliani might make a good Prez.
It amazes me how ready this country seems to be for the 2008 elections. Are we so fed up with our current leaders that these next two years can't end soon enough?
AK - Jeff
Will Condi run?