Nine year old grandson studying to be babtized. Any thoughts on this?? I think it is insane.
child getting baptized
by Cindyrenee 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
BlackSwan of Memphis
If it's possible could you ask them if they would allow a nine year old to make a committment to marriage? Or how old was Jesus when he was baptized?
Because yes, it is perfectly insane. Especially in light of the fact that there is no way a 9 year old could know everything he needs to know before making a lifetime committment to cult.
There's something seriously wrong when a 9 year old can be disfellowshipped.
He is far too young to even understand the commitment he is making, but it seems to be the jws way nowadays, just so they can keep boasting about an increase every year. He isn't the youngest I;ve heard of to be baptised, and thay say they only baptise those who are sure of what they are doing!
Cabin in the woods
They are so desperate for new members for their yearly reports. Very, very sad. cabs
Until this child can make decisions about voting, being able to serve in the military, be of legal age to be married, even get a drivers license...etc., no child should be allowed to make a vow that may destroy his life in later years. Put a stop to it.
Christ himself was 30 when he was babtized if there is any question on this. .
His Mother, who is df'd asked him if he understood he would not be able to talk to her, he said "No.", he has no clue,as stated here, they want to push the numbers up, don't really care about the individuals. His uncle, his Dad's youngest brother, was baptized at nine also, he is now 19 and df'd. My Grandson and his uncle were VERY close, together every weekend, etc., now all of a sudden, they can't associate. How is that in the best interest of any child. Anway, we are trying to stop it. That is why this nasty custody issue is coming up.
This is absolutely ridiculous!! I can't believe an elder body approving a 9 year old for baptism. How long has he been an unbaptized publisher? A month or two?
moggy lover
Pity there is'nt a law against such monstrous behaviour.
I was 15 back in 1957 when I was baptized, and now, in retrospect, I feel that I was way too young to make such a major commitment in my life.
The mother being DF'ed should be enough. The uncle thing can help.
Someone can reason more with the child on how his relationship with
mom and uncle would have to change. They don't have to say anything
about the religion immediately- first get him to understand that he is not
really old enough to spiritually shun these people.