Sort of newbie. Found this site by just typing jehovah's witness. I did this to prove my husband and his friends that they are wrong about jw but I ended up proving myself wrong. I couldn't take my eyes off this site and some other sites like freemind etc. I couldn't sleep for eat for several weeks and got sick. I felt so betrayed and numb. I couldn't believe all those things I was reading, especially about jw's teaching because my husband and his friends were already pointing those things out and were discussing with each other for long time. They did not get one any websites for talk to anyone except with each other. I shared some of things I was reading with them and they were amazed at how many of jws are out there feel same way with us. Amazing how the world looked small to us suddenly. We all decided to fade away from kh and took us about two years to do it. Jws at kh didn't know what to think of us or didn't realized until they realized all of us weren't there one day. We took turns to miss meetings, services, and even special meetings at assemblies. We never made anyone suspect us for anything but that we were busy with our home, family, and we were sick with something. After all I ended up proving myself wrong and saved my marriage. We were fighting alot over jw teachings before and we were heading for division in our marriage. Just think what my life and marriage would have been if I didn't research. I even got hold of R. F. and had couple of nice time exchanging emails. Very gentle and nice human being.
My husband never used anything but Bible to present his case to me and I was having hard time ignoring him after all jws take pride in themselves about being a serious Bible students and even bragging about how much they know the truth. My husband was the serious one with the Bible and I couldn't ignore him when he kept challenging with the Bible. One day, he just wanted to us(whole family ) start reading Bible and nothing else. Amazing how much you don't know the bible as jw untill you start reading the Bible without all those literatures for jw.
Anyway, didn't mean to write a long story. This site has been most helpful and full of informations and also addictive. I have learn alot from this site and the informations from this has been most helpful when it comes to talking to jws coming to our homes. We already knew about many things they were trying to tell us or missed from meetings. Made them feel uncomfortable that fact that we were so informed and able to counter act so good. I guess I should feel thankful to some of you out there even though I don't agree with some of you but that is my personal thing.