So here we are, almost a year into the "NEW" congregation donation arrangement. And its beginning, as was predicted, to fail miserably, and to have direct negative consequences on the poor sheep.
Let me give you a little experience, directly from our congregation of about 80 publishers. Back in May, after reading the letter about the "NEW" arrangement, The elder body decided to "donate" the extra funds on hand to WT, as directed. The bank account went from about $10,000 down to about $5,000, literally overnight. Then, a poll was taken as to what amount the congregation would be willing to agree to send monthly, forever and ever! That pledged amount was about $800.00. (Mind you, our little KH has been paid for for many years!, so no loan to forgive!)
Great, a blessing from Jehovah!! Fast forward to this week. CO VISIT, and Tuesday night just happens to have LOCAL NEEDS on the menu. Guess what the part is about??!!!
The brother giving the part did a terrible job of trying to convince us that we NEVER tithe, and NEVER beg for money, like those disgusting hypocritical pharisees. But you brothers DID obligate yourselves to make this DONATION every month! And then the guilt tripping begins! "You know, there are many ways we can show our appreciation for Gods Organization and all it does for us. Including our monetary donations. Of course, we would never want to make a promise and not follow thru, especially in regards to Jehovahs sole channel on the earth today!" BLAH! O....M....G....
"You know brothers, we have been short every month for quite some time now, in fact our "expenses" exceed our donations by about $500 every month. At this rate, YOU will use up YOUR emergency funds in about 6 months or less. If we really appreciate all this (he waves his hand around, including pointing at the new video system), we will live up to our OBLIGATION (he says sternly)."
So here is a congregation that is strapped to begin with (most of the members are older), and you just know that with the CO in town, he's going over the books and realizing that they cant live up to their original "obligation" based on the pledges they took in. So rather than just readjust the amount they are sending in, for now, they are beating the poor slaves to hand over more money!!
SICK, SICK, SICK! I look around and see so many are just sick and tired, its like a bad dream at a used car lot.