Demonic expereiences

by Tyrone van leyen 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sinis

    What I find funny is how Roman historians comment on Chrisiantity. They mention how christains use the terms demons and angels, while the "pagans" refer to the same entities as gods. Personally I do not believe in demons.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Yes I agree, it's a of frame of reference or a matter of perspective in how we veiw the phenomenon but for some reason why does the paranormal always have to be evil? Obviouasly if something is there they know they are scaring the shit out of us for whatever reason.

  • Elsewhere

    I once saw a plush toy smurf steal a peanut from my kitchen and then run and hide under my couch!

  • stevenyc

    Occationally I have demonic possession experiences while I'm sleeping.

    I can always tell when it has happened. I have a list of things to look out for just in case this happens to you:

    Mouth is dry and tastes like an ashtray filled with vodka
    No memory recall from about 10pm of the previous night
    Head pains (obviously from the demon memory wipe!)
    In bad cases of possession, you may also have fits of ectoplasm ejection that has the resemblance of curry
    I decreased bank account (money is the root of all evil after all)


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    You crack me up. Your'e whacked!! lol

  • BrentR

    The sock demons are the worst!!! They only steal one of each color knowing that we will waste precious time looking for the other. They are the purest forms of evil. We also have to be careful, they dont like to be called demons, they prefer "mortality challenged americans".

  • Elsewhere

    I've got demonz that put holes in my socks!!!

  • esw1966

    I had just recently purchased a Meat Loaf cd, (which I still like, but am now confused about the whole matter) The Very Best of Meat Loaf. It had all sorts of 'questionable' pictures in the cd cover.

    I woke up at 2 in the morning to go to the bathroom. No one was up and I was in the dark. As I was sitting there, the hall light turned on by itself...

    That was my most 'dramatic' event. Our entire family also has heard footsteps walking up the stairs when no one was there.

    These events only happened when I WAS a jw. Since I have been out of the hall for 2 years I have NOT had ANY events despite my 7 year old telling me that I would have demonic attacks now that I was 'leaving' Jehovah.

    My kids ARE in fear of demons and it DOES affect their thinking and this is taught to them by the Society and I feel it is the Society's way of emotionally abusing them and ruling them through fear. (Didn't they say that is what 'false' religion did with their 'hell doctrine'?)


  • Junction-Guy

    Well I seem to have this problem that sometimes when Im on JWD reading a good topic, my Webtv will all of a sudden shut down and reboot, it can get aggravating at times. The same thing happened when my mother-in-law brought her computer here, her computer would go dead and then reboot? Any possible explanations? It seems too coincidental that both the computer and Webtv went down, and usually it is just when Im on JWD. My brother and I jokingly say its the demons trying to keep me from exposing the WT Society.--------Dave

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Well, that's an interesting theory too. We used to hold the tuesday night book study at my dads 1st house. Not the farm house he lives in now. There was a huge painting on the wall about 4 a half and feet long by 3 feet wide. The painting was never touched, never moved, It was literally there for years. The conductor sat about 3 feet below the painting and everbody watched it fall off the wall onto his head, just after he finished the prayer. It was unbeleivable, but also very funny and appropriate. I find it strange that this is supposed to be God's place of meeting and that happened. It sure makes you think.

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