OMG - I Did It ! I Really, Really, Did It !

by Nellie 22 Replies latest social family

  • Abandoned


  • esw1966


    It's an awesome step!

    I too got me first Christmas tree last Saturday! Went walking into the National Forest and found myself the 'perfect' tree. Now I'm busy decorating it!

    LOVE IT!!!



  • dobbie

    Nice one Nellie!I got our first one yesterday, a real one. My step dad took me cos i could tell my poor husband was a bit uncomfy about it - however he went to the shops today and came back with two huge bags of decorations for it (half price - he can never resist a bargain!)It is a big step but it will get easier and i bet no one will call at your house at all!

  • evetteto

    I'm weeping as I read all the holiday Christmas Trees going up for I use to decorate til my hisband came home ( jw study ), now I set out my Beautiful Nativity Scene on the coffee table and placed wrapped gifts around it. Hopefully next year .ENJOY EVERYONE...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!


  • misguided

    Congratulations...that's one Wal-Mart purchase you won't regret.

    Enjoy making memories,


  • Nellie

    My oldest came home from college - I saved the star on the top for him! He was sooo touched! He's wanted this for a very long time! Now THAT'S a memory, I'll never forget!

  • liquidsky

    Good for you and your kids! Feels good doesn't it?

  • Nellie

    Yes it does. Now I can't wait until they unwrap!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The kids love the tree - I only wish it would snow!

    Of course, since we live in Florida, there's a snowball's chance in ---- that it'll happen. Maybe one year we'll visit NY for all the festivities!

    We live in Indiana, and we are likely to be grey and snowless on Christmas day too. This has been a record warm December for us here. We did the 'little tree' thing for two years after the exit, still trying to hide it. I have DA'd now, having given up on pulling out the one relative I wished I could, and so this year we have done it up big. Seven footer [artificial - I am with Jim on the safety hazzards], lots of lights and some garland. JWD Christmas cards [along with some others too] hang on one wall in magnificient testimony to our being cult-free. We are combining the love of the festive lights with a more spiritual perspective this year too. Last year it was more of 'secular ' feeling for us. Having made a formal break, I am looking to fill the spirit now too. It is great. Jeff

  • truthsearcher

    I'd like to share a fabulous Christmas tradition from our family that you might enjoy incorporating into your festivies: Every year since they were born, we have given each child a new ornament. The night that we set up our tree (articifical), we make hot chocolate for everyone and put on Christmas music (Cds of carols and such--our favourite one is Mickey Mouse Christmas--so cute). Then they each get a wrapped ornament. They look forward to this so much! Even the 18 year old! Then they decorate the tree with their favourites from years gone by. It is like seeing old friends again for them as they take them out of their boxes (each one has their own box)--"Oh look here is Walter" (my youngest names his snowmen) or "Remember when you gave this one?" Then, when they leave home, they take their box of ornaments with them. Our daughter was just married so she has her box with her to decorate their first tree.

    I know that many of you have not done this over the years, but it is never too late to start. You can easily catch up if you do several ornaments a year. They aren't expensive--the dollar store has some cute ones. Don't forget to initial and date the bottom so they don't get mixed up. (speaking from experience on that one). I found that shoe boxes or empty cookie tins work well for storeage.

    Wishing you all a blessed Christmas, and hoping that some of you will take time to reflect on the birth of our Saviour,


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