I think that the Bible gives hope and comfort. I also think that the Bible is a good book without me saying too much. But is it a product of God? If so, why does god want so much controvery by making a book which is ambiguous and equivocal on so many thing?
How do you view the Bible?
by Fisherman 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Tyrone van leyen
I beleive it must be taken with a grain of salt. Indeed the bible has caused as much pain and sorrow as good. The bible is not even complete. There were several other books written that were lost when the library of alexandria burned to the ground. The first of the gospels were not even written until at least 60 years after Jesus died. It was an oral tradition of passed on knowledge called mishna. This was because anything written could be very incriminating for the jews if the romans found it. Hence all the incredible inconsistancies of the gospels. Imagine a bunch of old men scratching their heads trying to remember what happened so long ago. Some of it is downright unbeleivable and ridiculous like Joshua making the sun stand still. Even miracles performed are hard to beleive as we now live in a world where everything must be scientifically proven for validity. The message of christ whether he was real or not has merit and shaped the world. He simplified and fulfilled the mosaic law. Everybody seems to miss the point and bury their noses in the book trying to interpret ancient laws and translate from languages no longer spoken such as koinos greek. They are getting caught up in the the letter of the law, rather than the spirit of the law. If god who created us, wished to get across a very clear message, beleive me he could. Our society is based on judeo christian ethics for which I'm greatful but there are people who can't read. There are people all over the world who will live and die and never even hear of the concept of god. Many of these are decent loving people who will live and die in ignorance of it. They have values based on common sense. For example, if I punch you in the face, chances are pretty good that you will punch me in the face. It is the rule of reciprocation. It is not a fair world and I do not beleive the bible has all the answers. It's seems that this god likes to play games with our heads for his amusement. It is time we stood up for ourselves and accept moral responsibilty by using our brains and evolve the concepts of self further by doing the best we can to make the world a better place, here and now and face reality rather than trying to interpret the world through this filter. I would like to beleive in fairy tales like everybody else, but if you fill your head with anything other than reality than you have no tools to work with in the real world.
I walk a fine path. I don't belief major chunks of the bible as historical fact however, I can't disregard it either as it is the record of the Israelites dealings with the God I accept ergo I have to have respect for it. I recognise that it is written by men, falliable men but often inspired and that while its a useful map its nowhere near as useful as living life itself. I wouldn't use it as the sole basis of my decisions but as an initial thesis to which I then get to add experience, other knowledge and come up with my decision.
Two books that helped me to have a clearer view on The Bible are: Who Wrote The Bible? Richard Elliott Friedman, and The Bible Unearthed, archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman.
How do I view The Bible? Its a historical book written by many men much of which is hearsay information that has been misquoted and is not inspired of God.
For me the bible reveals what happens when people become small minded, narrow and exclusive in the name of god.
At the same time it reveals how to become free and grow spiritually when taken in comjunction with the world and thinking around us imho.
As my sign in would agree, I believe the Bible is inspired of God, I believe the Bible and it does give me hope for the future. Do I believe that every word is EXACTLY word for word copied exactly as the original human writer or secretary wrote it? No, not exactly word for word, but I do believe that it is close enough on how God intended. I believe that one must get the spirit behind the Bible, there are definite commands that are very hard to misinterpret, there are principles that may apply in our personal circumstances or not and there is history. As one president said those who do not observe and learn from history are doomed to repeat it, so I try to learn from the mistakes of others (usually don't do a very good job of it). So I believe in asking God for wisdom in personal reading and study, I ask for Jah to give me wisdom, and to get the spirit of what he is trying to tell me on how it applies to me. As far as the laws, none of us are perfect and none of us can perfectly keep them, not an excuse for wrongdoing but really get the essence of the Bible and continually pray for insight and wisdom on us personally on how to understand it. Prophecies I do believe and I don't think any of us can foretell them until we are going through them or after it has passed, interpretation belongs to God.
BlackSwan of Memphis
Interesting book it is. Product of men, possibly individual writers were inspired by something greater, or someone greater. Jesus was pretty cool.
I come down to this:
If at any point I believe that the Bible is The Word of God, compiled with the explicit purpose of teaching the orthodox teachings of the Christian faith (as that is my impression of how it came to us) I would probably be Catholic. As that would just make the most sense to me.
But I don't. So I'm not. And in the process, think there is wisdom in it's pages, like I see wisdom in other books and religious beliefs.
I have to add, I'm growing, learning and maybe in a year could feel differently. Who knows, it's a journey. Cheers!
moggy lover
As an evangelical Christian, I suppose my view of the Bible approximates that of the WTS.
I believe it to be the inerrant word of God, a product of Divine Revelation, with the message of salvation to all human beings everywhere. Everything we know about Christianity, and its Founder, we know as a result of Revelation. The message contained therein is for all, accessable to all and capable of moving people to supreme heights fo faith.
I believe that, although it has been miraculously preserved, the means by which this has been done is through human handling. Thus although it has a Divine Message, this does not mean there are no questions regarding its preservation. Textual variation, historical valences, and the accumulation of physical evidence through such applications as archaeology, is part of a spiritual, and not mechanistic, heritage.
There is much we do not know, and probably will never know about the sum of its message, but this is another evidence of its origins. Although the message in it is simple enough for a child to understand, its details have enough information to keep even the most skilled of scholars intrigued. It is NOT an organisational book, given to a select few, sitting imperiously in some ivory tower in New York to interpret to their hearts content.
Neither is it an instrument of power to wield over a following kept in ignorance of its contents. Where debate about its meaning is supressed. It is in fact a book of freedom, liberating in its force, and powerful enough to expose any hypocrisy.
And although there are basic notions contained in it that are foundational to salvation, there is much in it that is also capable of multiple interpretations. It plumbs the depths of a moral dimension. In other words, the Bible will not teach you how to be a heart surgeon, or a taxi driver, but it will teach you how to be a good heart surgeon, or taxi driver. If it does not then it the person, misaplying its message, and not the message that is at fault.
Is the bible from god? That's too broad of question. We would need to define terms. At any rate, too many people have died and too many people have controlled others over what's written in that book. In my opinion, if there is a god who loves us and who does have an important message for all of us, it won't be in a book that has been as easy to shape, twist, and outright warp as the bible.
Little Drummer Boy
Two books that helped me to have a clearer view on The Bible are: Who Wrote The Bible? Richard Elliott Friedman, and The Bible Unearthed, archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman.
How do I view The Bible? Its a historical book written by many men much of which is hearsay information that has been misquoted and is not inspired of God.
Ditto. Sometimes I wish it was more though. At least the nice parts.