It doesn't bother me in the slightest that most people in the world at the times these articles were published in "Time" did not read them. What is the readership, today, of the most popular magazine in the world? Someone answer that off the top of their hat - who the hell knows? Whatever that number is, probably (being generous), about half that number read or have read "Time" magazine. I do know this: it is probably a number we would consider ridiculously small, nothing like 6.3 million as the JWs claim as their true faithful today.
The fact is, today with the advent of the internet the truth about "the truth" is out there, available for anyone with an internet connection or access to a public library or cafe that offers internet connection. it's a foregone conclusion - it's just a matter of time before the $$$ that fund the WTBTS dry up completely. I see coming during the next 3-7 years a complete liquidation of all Manhattan and New Jersey real estate holdings, as well as liquidation and sale of various "branch" office holdings throughout the world as the "Society" shrinks further and furrther into upstate New York. That will eventually go to the auction block too, in my opinion, because I predict there will be one, and then two, and then three, and then a flood of successful sexual assault verdicts against the WTBTS. Brothers in Africa will not be able to fund the amount of $$$ it will take to pay off the judgments. The WTBTS will go bankrupt. Hooray, hooray! I think I will see it in my lifetime. I'm 55.