TIME Magazine Articles on Jehovah's Witnesses

by Wild_Thing 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsearcher

    Thanks for posting these Time magazine articles, I am sharing them with a few active JW's I know, since the source of the info is "non-Apostate" they will read it.

    I would like to share these articles with some active JWs. Will they really read them and consider them to be non-apostate? We were discussing the Bible in Hebrews where it points to the old prophets having a Heavenly not earthly hope, so I am sure that subject will come up again...Anyone else have experience doing this?

  • hillary_step

    It is also judicious to note that the week after the TIME magazine article regarding the expulsion of Raymond Franz from the WTS, he wrote a letter to TIME which was published in the letters from readers section adjusting the misapplication of his words : 'There is no life outside the Organization'.

    What he meant was that to the JW's there is no life outside their Organization, not that he was regretting his expulsion.

    I mention this because at the time many JW's seized upon his former statement as a sort of admission of guilt and regret, and I even heard it paraded in this manner around the Circuit Assemblies at the time.


  • JWdaughter

    Did anyone else find it disturbing how the WT population has MULTIPLIED since 1975? Just over a million then, now over 6 million? Who else feels ill?

    When I reread the article about Franz I kind of felt better about one thing. I left before he did! I had started getting all the "big" changes of the early 1980's confused and started worrying that I had let the Franz thing influence me. I do remember vividly reading the article, and WHERE I read the article about Franz, but the timing was confused for me. It was actually around the time I got baptised (not JW!). So. PHEW.

  • JapanBoy

    Was there ever any articles that discussed the 'generation change' in the mide 1990's done by outside sources such as time? This was on of the big things for me. K

  • Alpheta

    It doesn't bother me in the slightest that most people in the world at the times these articles were published in "Time" did not read them. What is the readership, today, of the most popular magazine in the world? Someone answer that off the top of their hat - who the hell knows? Whatever that number is, probably (being generous), about half that number read or have read "Time" magazine. I do know this: it is probably a number we would consider ridiculously small, nothing like 6.3 million as the JWs claim as their true faithful today.

    The fact is, today with the advent of the internet the truth about "the truth" is out there, available for anyone with an internet connection or access to a public library or cafe that offers internet connection. it's a foregone conclusion - it's just a matter of time before the $$$ that fund the WTBTS dry up completely. I see coming during the next 3-7 years a complete liquidation of all Manhattan and New Jersey real estate holdings, as well as liquidation and sale of various "branch" office holdings throughout the world as the "Society" shrinks further and furrther into upstate New York. That will eventually go to the auction block too, in my opinion, because I predict there will be one, and then two, and then three, and then a flood of successful sexual assault verdicts against the WTBTS. Brothers in Africa will not be able to fund the amount of $$$ it will take to pay off the judgments. The WTBTS will go bankrupt. Hooray, hooray! I think I will see it in my lifetime. I'm 55.

  • truthsearcher

    LOL No one is answering my questions, so I'll try and start a new thread and see if that works!

  • reneeisorym

    They would read them! They are non-apostate. They might think that the article is wrong and they were misinformed however. That is how I dismissed most things I read when I was a JW. Its worth a try.

  • reneeisorym

    Ya know what? I am going to do it. I'll send three of them to my dad. I think I'll mail it to someone out of state and have them mail it so they won't see that it came from my town and know where it came from.

  • startingover

    Thanks for sharing the articles. It's always quite amazing to me reading the old stuff that my parents grew up with that and then saw it morph into what it is today and still stuck with it.

  • BabaYaga

    These are very cool, thanks for the posts... and may I say I love your nod to Maurice Sendak, dear Wild_Thing!!!


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