Spock is dead
by hoser 27 Replies latest jw friends
Leonard Nimoy is no longer with us -
My Name is of No Consequence
"Live long and prosper."
May he rest in peace.
Reports say he had COPD. My Mom had that... it's not pleasant especially if your lung capacity percentage is low.
I loved his Mr. Spock character. Will miss him.
Sad, he seemed like a cool guy and did some good movies but of course was defined by the Spock character who was cold but somehow lovable.
He pushed to have one of the Star Trek movies premiered in the very small town of Vulcan here in Alberta (but they ended up giving the population a trip to Calgary to see it there instead).
Still Totally ADD
How sad. One of my childhood hero's is dead. I remember how hard my mother tried to keep me from watching Star Trek because it was demonized. I would watch it anyway. I learned a lot from that show. It opened a world to me that I did not get at the KH. Anyone know how old he was? This makes the third main actor who has died from this show. Live Long and Prosper. Still Totally ADD -
RIP Leonard Nimoy.
As a kid, I wasn't big on Star Trek but found his Spock character interesting.
Also, I've always been fascinated by his surname, and wanted to know his ethnic origin. From wiki (not ideal, but there you go), apparently he was of Ukrainian-Jewish descent who could read and write Yiddish - from German: Juedisch (Jewish).
He was such a big part of making me feel ok when I was growing up, coming to a new country, and leaving the JWs. His character of Spock was such a fine calibration during difficult times. And, he made logic and science a wonderful thing to aspire to. And, his character resonated with me as the outcast trying to understand the people and world around him. I think he will live in many of us for years to come. What a fine legacy.
When I heard about it this morning, I wrote this Haiku in his honor:
"Star Trek gave me hope
Mankind would someday grow up
And reach for the stars"
Live long and prosper, fellow travelers...
Designer Stubble
My childhood hero. I mourn the loss. -