Dear Bill,
Not only does this article curdle my blood but I want to hit my computer screen. I am a Victim Advocate here on a Military base in Lousiania. I work with the Military police and Civilian Law enforcement to counsel Women, Children and Men ( yes men there are men who are victims also) and assure that they have a safe haven and know there rights as a Victim.
What the WTS is failing to do is to inform these battered women of their rights and when one takes on the task of writing such a article WITHOUT letting the victim know of their rights they are in essence breaking the law. Each state has Federal Guidelines that one has to abide by concerning the rights of a victim. Since I have not read the entire article I would like to know if indeed the WTS has broken the law by not informing these victims/potentinal victims and past victims of their rights. In this I mean was a victims code of rights printed along with the article? Yes I know the WTS believe they only need to follow some of "cesars laws" but one of my points is this article is being distrubted to non-witnesses and if they are not following the guidelines in writing about abuse and following Federal law in informing victims of their rights. They are breaking the law.
I am sorry for my tirad but one of my clients who was a JW just killed herself this past weekend, because she saw no other way out, in her note to her 15 month old child she hoped Jehovah would see that she had a mental condition and would be ressrectuted in the new system to live with her daughter,IF her husband continued to raise her in the JW faith. I have been sick since Saturday night and I am getting sicker by the moment.
Bill if possible could you e-mail me the entire article?
[email protected]
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.