DA'd over 3 months ago; not one word from the borg . . .

by exwitless 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • exwitless

    We sent our DA letter on 9/10/06. The first week or so, I lived in fear of the phone ringing or someone knocking on the door, wanting to help us "see reason". I know they got the letter, because the previous annoying phone calls and uninvited visits from an elder abruptly came to a stop. Plus, we also wrote a kinder letter to an older "sister" to explain our actions, because we did not want her to be implicated in our DA'ing (that's another whole story).

    Well, I was definitely shunned by a former good friend of mine (also the P.O.s wife, so she was probably one of the first to find out). However, another older "sister" I ran into was very sweet and made an effort to say Hi to me. Maybe she didn't get the memo about our DA.

    I'm a little confused why one person shunned me and another was so sweet. When I was an active JW, the announcement of a DA or DF was a huge deal, and people made sure to spread the word to others who might have missed the announcement.

    Do they not make such a big deal about it anymore? Can it really be that easy? I was really prepared for at least one phone call before they announced our DA, but nothing! (Not that I'm complaining. I'm just kinda curious about whether they ever made the announcement at all.)

  • zeroday

    The Borg is very leagalistic. You sumitted a legal document and as far as they are concerned it is over. However, on your yearly anniversery of your DA you can expect a visit from them.

  • noni1974

    It's been 8 years since I DA ed.I got one phone call asking me to talk about my decision.I told them I said all I had to say in my letter.To this day the elders in my old congergation have no clue why I DA ed.In my letter I just asked my name to be removed from their records and I told them I no longer wanted to be a JW.I gave no reason.That was that.No phone calls no visits no nothing.

  • JWdaughter

    I got out about 25 years ago. After a certain amount of drama (I was 15, whats NOT dramatic when one is 15?), I was out and that was that. No more contact.

  • J-ex-W

    Zeroday---- I thought there were only annual visits when you've been disfellowshipped. I thought if you made the decision to pull away yourself--to disassociate yourself--then that would be it...until, or unless, you decided to re-initiate contact with them. Am I wrong? I thought yearly visits were no longer a looming threat if you jumped off the WT yourself.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    You have my congratu-sympathies, ex. You must realize by now that they're too busy working on finding replacements for you and the other one(s), that they have no time to bother with you. Best wishes and good luck in all your endeavors. Hope you find some more loving and caring friends on the outside. hugs and congrats!(?)

  • zeroday
    Zeroday---- I thought there were only annual visits when you've been disfellowshipped

    I DA'd myself a little over two years ago and they have tried to visit me at my home each year on or around the date I sent in the letter.

  • exwitless

    Thanks. Our former congregation was never great about "shepherding the flock" even to take care of active ones. At a Circuit Assembly several years ago, two elders from our cong. gave their "experiences" about shepherding; they bragged about how they make sure to make shepherding calls at least once a year to everyone in the cong. I snorted out loud when they said that, considering in the 14 years we were in, they only visited us 2-3 times at most, and that was when we were actually doing OK. Liars!

    Anyway, I'm sure that were just 2 less people they have to account for when the CO comes to visit and asks what the elders are doing to shepherd the flock. We are very much enjoying our freedom from the borg. I just didn't think they would make it that easy. I still would like to know if an official announcement was made and when. Doesn't matter though. It's all water under the bridge.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I DA'd myself a little over two years ago and they have tried to visit me at my home each year on or around the date I sent in the letter.

    30 years + and the sob's never bothered to give a green poop about me or mine. Now I can expect them to show up asking if I want them back in my life. ? Great - just stinking great!


  • juni

    Jeff!! Green poop?? lol

    They didn't visit me for years while living where they knew where I was. Now no one knows where I live. And I couldn't give a rat's ass either. Don't need them hypocrites in my life.


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