Basd on my comment to another post titled "1979," I thought that this would make an interesting separate topic.
A little History: Many here are aware that I was an MS and then Elder and of the Anointed while a JW. I openly professed anointing for 20-years of the 27-years I was associated with the Watchtower. Since that time, I have totally and completely renounced all but one Watchtower doctrine. Their view of the anointed is absolutely false, and is easily proven so. I have posted extensively on the topic of the Anointed because many non-anointed JWs, and even ex-JWs, never really understood the doctrine or how one knew if they were of the anointed or not. Many misunderstand the Replacement Theory, whether a disfellowshipped Anointed person remains Anointed during their disfellowshippment period and upon reinstatement, and so forth.
Replacement Theory: According to WTS theory, I would have been replaced by someone only if I die in an unrepentant condition, likely disfellowshipped or disassociated. Since I am still alive, I still have opportunity to repent, have my disassociated status revoked, become reinstated, and thereafter continue as a faithful JW. So, in short, no one has replaced me ... yet. Upon the return of any Anointed, they continue to be Anointed, and are not busted down to the Earthly Class. It is doubtful anyone can ever say that one person was "the" replacement for another.
GB members, and any Anointed person, baptized after 1935: According to Watchtower theory, any GB man baptized after 1935 are likely replacements for some anointed person who died unfaithful, in an unrepentant condition. GB men baptized before 1935 are likely not replacements, but are filling up open vacancies in the 144,000.
Problems with Replacement Theory: Besides being an absurd doctrine, the Watchtower Society fails to note some important aspects of their own teaching on this topic. For example, the number of about 8,500 remaining Anointed has been about stable since the mid-1970s. Yet the age and death rate of older Anointed is increasing as they enter their 70s and 80s. Somehow, the Replacement Theory ignores the fact that an awful lot of Anointed must be dying unfaithful, thus necessitating a replacement. What is wrong with the Watchtower organization to have so many Anointed die so unfaithfully? Secondly, their original doctrine had the Anointed number going to heaven by 1878 (not 1918 as is the current belief) and that the number of 144,000 was considered filled before the turn of the century, before it was moved to 1931 and then to 1935. What is wrong with a doctrine that would change dates on such an important feature of their faith? Finally, the battle fo Armageddon was supposed to be done prior to the Anointed dying out in one generation from 1914. So the only thing proping up this silly nonsense is that the number of Anointed has remained nearly constant for the last 30-years.
How one knows if they are Anointed: One of my postings cites the Jan. 1952 Watchtower, Questions from Readers, (which has never been retracted or revised) saying that we know because we make our own determination of our hope. We set the goal and our eyes on the prise and pursue that with all of our effort. Those who are not moved by Jehovah's spirit in this way will set their determination upon this earth as their hope. Therefore, it works by Jehovah sending out the call, but then it is up to the individual to accept the call and determine their own hope. That is it in a nutshell. One can look up the magazine cited, or read my earlier posting.
See these postings for further reading:
- Anointing - How JWs Really Know:
- 1952 WT - Official Policy on Anointing:
What makes an EVIL SLAVE? While most JWs and ex-JWs today well know the implications of the term "Apostate" (and it is a bad label to have for JWs) but it is not the worst label. Unlike Apostates, which any JW can become, only those who were of the Anointed can join the Evil Slave Class. The Evil Slave Class, according to Watchtower theory were once part of the Anointed who were charged with operating the Kingdom activity, serving in some capacity from GB member to Elder. When they leave the organization, they are not merely like disfellowshipped or disassociated persons who commit some sin that they will likely repent. Rather, these have gone back into Babylon the Great, such as returning to a Church, and they actively work against the King and his Kingdom (meaning that these Anointed persons now work against the interests of the Watchtower publishing corporation. Fnally, any Anointed who openly opposes the Society, and says anything negative is making themselves the Evil Slave in Matthew 25 who beat his fellow slaves, and lorded it over them, delaying the Master's arrival.
How am I an EVIL SLAVE? Not only have I done all the things that Apostates have done, and now work actively against the interests of the Watchtower publishing corporation, but I have further gone back into the Cathlic Church, which makes me really really bad in their eyes ... I am worse than just an everyday apostate ... I am now among the Man of Lawlessness and Evil Slave Class according to Watchtower theory. I openly, as an Anointed, publish on the Internet, which is read worldwide, things which utterly condemn the Watchtower doctrines. I give testimony against the Society in court cases, and I have openly helped the Clergy Class in both Protestant and Catholic Churches to understand how to work with those who might be tempted to study with the JWs or join them.
Next, I will post my recent deposition testimony, which may interest some of you. Yes, I am a real bad man helping those victims of child abuse.
Jim Whitney, aka The Evil Slave and very proud NOT to be one of the Watchtower FDS! Damn it, this feel Great!
PS: If I am wrong about all of this, I am going to burn in Hell (opps), I mean die at Armageddon with my eyes popping out of my skull and my hands rotting off.