If it wasn't for the "Truth"....... about da Troof I would still be trapped in the cult.
If it wasn't for the "Truth".......
by restrangled 16 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah If it wasn't for the "Truth" I could have been an olympic athlete or scientist working on latest propultion system for NASA.
Or how about this one If it wasn't for the "truth" I would have had my own family, dog and two houses and a weekend house somewhere in mountains and would not have been starting life from the begining in my 30s.
My mother's favorite:
"If it wasn't for the Truth, I wouldn't be able to bear the pain of losing my family."
Of course, if it wasn't for "the Truth," she never would have abandoned her family (my brothers have been distanced because they never baptized and married non-JWs; I've been rejected because I'm gay).
Try and get 'em to see the logic of that.
My mother only applied this statement to herself: "If it wasn't for the truth, I wouldn't have become a better parent". Never knew that being a "better parent" consisted of beating the hell out of your child. Sorry I had to add another kid beating story.
My mother would phrase something a little different for me, "You turned out so well because you were raised by bible principles". What a load of horseshit that is, and it infuriates me everytime she says it. I'd say I turned out well because I ABANDONED bible principles. If I didn't, I would be in a psych ward.
If it wasn't for the "Truth"......."R*****" and I would be divorced. And so would ******** and *********, and so would ******* and *******, and so would ******* and *******.
So he wants us to believe that this religion MUST be the "Truth" because the whole lot of them have crappy marriages that wouldn't last if they didn't have the cult forcing them to stay together? Huh? I think they are all unhappy because they based their choice of marriage mate on who had good field service tallies and who was "reaching" for more responsibility in "God's organization" instead of finding someone they truly love and respect.
Here's one: My ex-husband once to me, "If it wasn't for the truth, I probably would have been a murderer or something." --exact quote
He was talking about how much he grew up hating people, in the organization and out--raised as a Witness, of course--and even how he believed that NOBODY deserved to lived in the paradise. He wanted the paradise all to himself. I feel sorry for him, being a kid, having thoughts like that. That's obviously a miserable life, to produce that kind of thinking.
Let me add something here about beating if it's not too distasteful.
As a young MS trying to be the perfect father, husband and dub I had NO skills whatsoever in any of those things. If my little kids were fidgetting at the meeting and a look didn't fix them then it was out the back for a good whacking. This kind of discipline carried on at home but in a much more angry and out of control way.
I expected them to be tiny adults in concentration and behaviour and I feel bad and justified at the same time.
Now I'm out I feel sick at how I treated my three oldest children all because of my warped religious ideas.