Does anyone remember which issue of the watchtower or awake had the pictures with henschel and company posing with fidel castro?
Henschel with Castro
by Abandoned 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Maybe this was just in the wt and awake that went to mexico. That was where I was attending at the time. I wish I could remember more of the details. I remember thinking at the time that maybe the headquarters was having another apostasy issue, only larger with prominent ones giving into the temptation of being seen with worldly leaders.
Anyway, if anyone remembers, I would love to get my hands on a copy.
I would like to see the picture. I have never seen it!
I think that I do remember a picture of Gerrit Losch, Lloyd Barry, I do not remember the other governing body's face, it might be Henschel. They were signing the Bibles for the Cuban Leaders. Do any of you remember that?
bringing this to the top, as I too remember something about this. Perhaps it was in the early 1990's when that issue came out. Hopefully someone (maybe Blondie) will remember when this was.
I am sure those cuban leaders cherish it to this day.
I think it is in 94 or 95 WT or AW Bound Volumes, I do not have them here. Gerrit Losch was appointed GB in 94. I remember that Gerrit was a newbie GB when the picture was taken.
Hey thanks guys. If anyone remembers this enough to find the issue (I don't have any wt literature anymore), I would love to find out which one it is. I think this was one of the things that got through my indoctrination....
You can find a scan here:
I am just making this clickable.