Granted the man has abilities, it's just too bad he uses them in an capacity that hurts people. Let's see him talk his way out of damnation on judgement day as he stands before the throne of God. If that happens to be the way things go down. If not, I hardly think he is a loved man and not many tears will be shed. J.F. Rutherford was so hated his own sons would not show up at his funeral. Indeed there were few that attended. This is very telling of people who dominate the lives of others with no mercy. I was at the funeral of a prominent p.o. there were 600 people there and yet all eyes were dry. Some of his sons did not even attend. This was the man who ruined my life without mercy. I attended only as a form of closure for his ceaseless abuse. I would rather have 2 sincere people at my funeral with tears than 10,000 who could care less.
What EMOTIONS are evoked when you hear about or see JARACZ
by What-A-Coincidence 26 Replies latest jw friends
Tyrone van leyen
Interestingly,his wife died 2 days after him. When my brother went to the hospice to see her, she claimed that this peice of shit never wanted me to smile. This was a deathbed confession.He would not allow me to attend my brothers weddings or photograghs even when shown from his own watchtower. Somehow I think that jerk jaracz is cut from the same bolt of cloth.
Tyrone van leyen
They say speak no ill of the dead for they cannot defend themselves. What about those who never got any defense against these tyrants with no closure? Should we not talk about Hitler because he is dead now? I don't personally know Ted Jaracz but that's how I feel about him when I see his picture. I have heard as well that he is a hard man, and I've seen and had enough of that. This man effects many more lives than that jerk p.o. I rest my case.
Reefton Jack
If the God you are referring to is the same god as the WTS would have us believe in;
then that so-and-so has a lot of fast talking to do, as well!
Jack. -
That's funny, WAC - I thought it was you in the photo! I must admit I was confused when I read in another post that you were 30-something!
What EMOTIONS are evoked when you hear about or see JARACZ?
I don't know the man except by name so I cannot have emotions, I don't hate him or anything else. I have a question though, who was president, vice pres and secretary in the first century congrs? I have always wondered this arrangment if they do everything as a mirror of the first century.
==>It was picture #666 for some reason. LOL @ DR WAC
When I see a picture of him, I think about how much it'll hurt to pee when I'm his age.
I believe you are technically correct wtih regards to official presidents. On paper Larson is president, but he has no say with regards to doctrine like jaracz does. Plus they say Larson is president so when arrests are issued the G.B. is protected.
Theodore Jaracz is ...He is the current "president" of the WTBTS
The current president, according to the January 2007 "Awake", is M (Max?) Larson . I believe that Jaracz is head of the Service Committee, but I could be wrong. I am sure somebody can tell us for sure.What do I think of him? I have heard him speak and he was a powerful speaker at the time, many years ago. I have never met him. He has acquired a reputation as a hard man , that is all I know for sure.