I have been disfellowshipped since 2001. Does the Society still recommend that elders make annual visits to encourage people to come back? Just wondering, as I never have received one. I do not want to go back, just wondering if this is just another lie about their fake compassion and love. JK
Annual visits to DF'd ones
by JK666 23 Replies latest jw experiences
I never got a shepharding call...not even from my own parents. Could be that I was a woman...but who knows.
I never visit neither annual visit for DF nor house-to-house visit.
Does the Society still recommend that elders make annual visits to encourage people to come back?
It is recommended only for those who might potentially seek
the Faithful Slave'sforgiveness from Jesus. -
I've never had that annual visit - anyway how can they possibly know if someone is potentially repententant or not if they have never seen or spoken to them and neither have their families!
The society has never put much emphasis on Jesus words about the sheperd leaving the 99 to look for the lost one......never! Look how many here never had a call.
One thing to keep in mind is that "known apostates" are NOT to be called upon as written in the KM books. However, those Dfed for other reasons are to be called on once a year. Many have left the organisation over the fact that nobody showed an intrest in them once they were Dfed with no annual visit......or any other visit. What a loving organisation.
Greetings JK666,
Do you live near a coffee shop? If you do there's your answer.
I was df'd in 1980 (not for apostacy) that is 26 years ago and have never had a visit from any elders.
Only 2 times in that 26 years has a JW come to our door. We are on the do not call list so even the 2
that came must have not read the territory card that says "do not call" The latest was the false religion
tract that was left with my wife. I wished I had been there because I have a lot of questions for them.
The WTS has burdened its members with a lot of rules. The sheer weight of these rules determines that not all of them will be followed. The elders often pick and choose between the instructions they are given. They follow some, ignore others. In all of the congos we were part of over the years, I never saw very many elders that liked any form of official shepherding calls, and certainly not making such a call on somene who was df'd. If you were assigned by a PO to call on a df'd person, it was considered a very low priority. iI you were ever asked if you had followed up, it as easy to say you tried to contact them but they did not respond. No one would question it.
I suspect this was a common attitude. Other ex elders can comment from their perspective.
During the cattle call of January through March 2003 there's a rumor in these parts that two humble if anxious elders tried to make telephone contact with the inactive wife of a rather visible and vocal former Witness with rather discouraging results for the two elders.