Monday, December 18
wasbyfarthemeekestofallthemenwhowereuponthesurfaceoftheground.—Num.12:3.Among the many Bible examples that highlight how humble people are favored with a glimpse of God’s glory is Moses, who enjoyed an intimate relationship with God. This humble man, who spent 40 years as a lowly shepherd, likely much of it on the Arabian Peninsula, was highly favored by the Creator in many ways. (Ex. 6:12, 30) With the backing of Jehovah, Moses became the spokesman for and chief organizer of the nation of Israel. He enjoyed two-way communication with God. Through a vision, he beheld "the appearance of Jehovah." (Num. 12:7, 8; Ex. 24:10, 11) Those who recognized this humble servant and representative of God were also blessed. Similarly, we will be blessed if we recognize and obey the prophet greater than Moses, Jesus, as well as "the faithful and discreet slave" appointed by him.—Matt. 24:45, 46; Acts 3:22. w8/1/04 12
It is amazing how they constantly find ways to bring the F&DS into each text isn't it? Using the Moses type to point to Jesus would seem to be within the scriptural pervue - but then to add the final comment just makes me sick.