Post here, what you would love to say in front of all the congregation.
Post a message to your congregation right here
by JH 60 Replies latest jw friends
Freedom Fighter
Keep your children within your sight at ALL times. That man running the mikes, he molested my best friend's daughter. he is being investigated by child services but you'll never be told that in the congregation because it is one little girl's word against a predator. I'm not supposed to tell you because I would be accused of slander, but I think you should know.
The presiding overseer, you know, the guy who fiends unconditional love from the stage, he thinks _____ is a freak, ______ is lazy, _________ is crazy, and _____ is a disrespectful wife who needs to be put in her place. Oh, and by-the-way, he may claim to care about those he ministers to as a pioneer, but his greatest pleasure comes from getting back to the car and making fun of these householders. I know because I used to pioneer and my husband used to be a servant.
Ask yourselves this question, do Jesus defining words about how you would know his true disciples ring true with JW's? Do they have love amongst themselves, really, or is just a facade? -
"I've been in many congregations over 40-plus years and can honestly say this is the first congregation where the elders were bold-faced liars, creators of the cliques and divisions, and super-fine apostles. Thanks to you for showing me the organization for what it is; I was able to break free and am happy now."
BlackSwan of Memphis
A message to the West Dearborn Heights congregation:
Test your truth. If you think what you have is really truth, then test it. Jesus said the truth will set you free, he also said he is truth. Truth really has nothing to fear. Light brings what is in the darkness out of the shadowy corners and brings it to attention. Cast a light on your beliefs and test it.
Merry Christmas!
I'm with Jayhawk1 on this one:
Merry Christmas!
Pretty much sums it up.
Hi. Remember me? Can we be friends again? (puts on sheeps clothing)
thanks for letting me see the fruits of your spirit.
It's here !!!! The sky is falling !!!! suckers