I just got done reading the latest Watchtower and it reinforces any notion that the old men who run this religion
want nothing to do with ethical reform of their cult.
The magazine gives an effective look at the way that the Watchtower hierarchy maintains their sick social order.
First, women are inferiors, period. Nevermind the fact that women can manage/run/ or lead an organization equally as
well as men. In this fantasy-led directed order, women are delighted to be led by men and accept their
"headship". Otherwise, they aren't faithful or Christian or whatever.
Second, disfellowshipping is used to punish and control. Worst of all , it is used to break up families
and separate children from their Watchtower dominated parents. This is explicit - and don't think for one
minute that they have relaxed anything in changing their disfellowshipping announcements.
Third, obedience is demanded - to local elders and the reputed "faithful and discreet slave".
Nevermind their corruption and self appointed rank - you are to obey them without questioning their decisions.
The above is a summary of the sick social order that supports the slick graphics and plastic smiles that grace
the January 15 2007 Watchtower.
In reaction, I do, however, take some pleasure in the fact that they must be in fear of the rising equality of women
and the continuing breakdown of Witness families to publish this ugly nonsense. In particular, the loss of so many
"rebellious" young Witnesses can eventually bring the Watchtower to it's knees.