THeir little quadrunity is totally whacked over there.
They drank the cool-aid, climbed in their little bunkbeds and are waiting for Jehovah to take them away from all this. Same people for about a decade. I used to be there when Randia was studying. She is from Germany and orig had some niceness to her. The more she got 'dedicated' to the 'org' the meaner she got. It used to be an actual discussion debate board until they got a fellowship board so they would not be forced to associate with anyone who is not their kind. Leta is like some spy-I could tell you stories about when I first was on that board.
I guess it hasn't changed much (except maybe to get worse) since you ventured over there! What a nasty , vicious and totally UNchristian crowd! She goes by "Sandiafaith" now, and does a c & p of the TOS etc every other post. Also comes on the "God, Jesus and Holy Spirit" board with her trash AND her siglines about the holiday we are closest to celebrating.
I've had mucho troubles with LetaM and OneLadyBand (Mary) that are equally nasty. Honestly, they make your skin crawl. Sandia's not happy enough that I do not tread on their cesspool of a board any more and takes great glee and delight that she had me kicked off, but THEN she has to taunt me by coming to this other board and snarking at everything I write about anything.
Since its not a "fellowship board" per se, she (they) feel it is okay to "offer their WTS views" and trash others there. I'm sure they are ALL very happy and content arrogantly thinking they are "winning" something because they seem to have the best of both worlds.
They can (and DO) say anything they want to on what false religion we have, blah-blah-blah and have the protection of AOL to cover their behinds.....but the moment you say anything uncomplimentary about the Borg---they run crying, whining and complaining to Mods,.....the old "we be persecuted" crap.
It's like walking through a mine field, even on the Christian board. We can get a nice discussion going there....and before long, the "happiest people on earth" come over the bash and trash the daylights out of it....."only offering their opinions" as it were. They're SLICK, lemme tell ya! Just like their leaders, all slimy, oozy, two-faced and thinking they are SOOOOO clever.
I have been called a liar so many times it isn't funny, just for stating things about the Borg and asking QUESTIONS about the WTS baptism and the fact that they still celebrate their bizarre form of communion each year when they teach that Jesus already CAME BACK INVISIBLY to pick them as his favored religion. But I'm a dreaded evil apostate that doesn't want to BE in their religion....and that's all they care about! I've gotten a LOT of email from the "regulars" who cannot STAND these jerks, and are appalled at the way they have treated me since I came there about a month ago.
Some wondered if Sandia, Leta and I has "history" or if we had words on another board somewhere....and its not the case! Their disdain and loathing of me is so obvious! I just explained that THIS is the HATRED the WTS teaches for those that leave that religion....and now THEY can see the total lack of love, even lack of COMMON DECENCY in the way I've been treated! It has actually served its OWN purpose very well, and they did it all by themselves.
MsMcDuckett posted that link on my other thread yesterday....and I have been in hog heaven, over on the AOL board, just about rolling like a hog in a mudpen, in the excerpts I took from that site and planting tidbits of is SO terrific! There are two gals, ClariseHstn and SueReally that give these JWs a run for the money and one called Pats that holds up her end of things too....and have been very supportive of me, publicly and privately, in my "trials" over there, haha!
The JW gals are QUITE a force for the WTS....and demonstrate the full-blown hatred of ALL other religions at a glance. It SHOULD BE required reading for anyone that is "studying" to SEE what they turn INTO and how anal they become when they sign on to joining "God's happy people"....(gag)