Vulcan Nipples

by julien 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Esmeralda
    The new Star Trek: Enterprise had a scene where in order to get out of a really cold decontamination chamber, the engineer had to use the Vulcan science officers nipples to cut the glass of the room.

    *spitting mocha coffee across the screen*

    RRRRRRRRRRRROFL!!! Slip, dude, you're killing me *ROFLMAO*

    I don't know how much more of this I can take guys. Seriously, I haven't laughed this hard in ages *LOL* Thanks :)

    p.s. my husband has been enjoying your commentaries as well, all. He especially loved Slip's remark in the other thread about hoping he'll be able to still see the screen next week *LOLOL*

    With so many really serious topics on the board right now, which are getting (and rightfully so) so much attention, thank whatever powers that be for the sense of humor that many of us managed to keep intact upon exiting the Collective. The silly stuff like this helps us get through the really crappy stuff. I love ya all more every time you make me laugh. I'm crying I'm laughing so hard!

    *huge hugs*

  • Simon

    Just watching it now on Sky One

    Wow, what a lovely bunch of coconuts !

  • Tatiana

    Do male Vulcan's nipples do the same thing? Just wondering....

    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • avengers

    No. The other thing does that.

  • Simon

    Incase no one knows what the hell we're on about ...

  • jayhawk1

    Okay, Simon, those red "X"s didn't help me much.

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • hippikon

    How do I get to be a Vulcan?

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