Newspaper Scan from 1919: Rutherford Declares the End of the World!

by Wild_Thing 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    I have been doing some research and came across this. You can go here directly . Click on the image to toggle between big and small. I have a few others that are just as good, but I thought this one was the best so far. They paid for a full page ad to declare the end of the world! Sheesh!

    I didn't shrink the image because then the small newspaper print becomes unreadable.

    From April 28, 1919, Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California.

    Edited: I decided not to embed the image because it is so big.

  • ringo5

    No workie, it's saying you can't link these images remotely. Do you have the original link where this can be found? I'd like to see that...

  • Wild_Thing

    I hotlinked it. How about here:,%20California).jpg

  • PopeOfEruke

    Copy and paste this link into your browser:,%20California).jpg

  • Wild_Thing

    This is from September 24, 1921, Oakland Tribume, Oakland, California. They actually state the 1925 date as being the end of the world.

  • GermanXJW

    Which newspaper reader wants to read such a big text in so small letters? I guess to the normal readers of those days it was as ridiculous an advertisement as it is to us today.

  • VM44

    January 8, 1942, San Diego Newspapers declare End of Joseph Franklin Rutherford!


  • cabasilas

    Thanks Wild Thing for this scan! I put it into a PDF and it's up at:

  • Leolaia

    In one breath Rutherford says:

    "The man who poses as a teacher of the Divine Lord and then leads people into error and turns them away from the Bible is a great menace to society."

    In the other he says:

    " 'Millions now living will never die'; this statement will be astounding to many. Yet this statement is just as true as it is also true that the world has ended.... It follows, then, that many who are living at this time [i.e. 1919] will see that kingdom established. Jesus said: 'This generation (meaning the people now on earth) shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.' "

    Hoisted by his own petard (appropriate for the "bombastic" Judge).

    Notice also that this "article" is actually an "advertisement," e.g. paid for by the Watchtower Society, and authorized by Rutherford...

  • james_woods

    In line with this "millions now living will never die" stuff, I saw on the tube the other night that the last known living american survivor of the Titanic sinking had passed away early this month. I think she was about 5 years old when they put her in the lifeboat.

    About time they made a little "tack into the wind" on the "generation", huh?

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