Bill Bowen on Radio September 30

by Kent 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    I got this message from Jim Moon:

    Talk show host Meria Heller (herself an ex-JW) has put out the following reminder of her upcoming radio program. You can tune in on the internet at

    We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.

    JW's Protection of Pedophiles-Bill Bowen

    Date: Sunday, September 30, 2001
    Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM MST (GMT-07:00)

    Meet former Elder of Jehovahs Witnesses, Bill Bowen as he uncovers one of the most sickening pedophilia, child rape stories of the Jehovah's Witnesses. He will uncover how the Society covers up and protects the Perpetrator, and hear from the victims themselves. This story will air on Dateline this fall, we have the scoop on it first. Check out for more information. This show is interactive through IM's, archived 24/7. Your thoughts always welcomed.

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • safe4kids

    Hiyas Kent,

    Thanks for the info...I look forward to hearing this!!! I'm impressed and grateful for the work that you guys do.


    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You

  • MadApostate

    What kind of "fruitcake" is Maria Heller, and is this the positive kind of association that SL wants and needs? Gee Whiz????

  • anewperson

    Thanks Kent & Bill for helping expose the WTS's horrible policy of hiding pedophilia. Whoever Maria is she must be a very good person to air this matter. Thanks to her too. Mad, you've been had.

    P.S. Thanks to all too who have exposed the WTS's formal affiliation within the UN as a Non-Government Organization (NGO).

  • MadApostate


    Why am I not surprised that you would feel right at home with the beliefs advocated on Heller's website?

    Frankly, it is my opinion that SL's association with such only hurts his credibility with mainstreamers, and also gives ammo to the WTS to say: "Look at the whackos backing those liars."

    Oh well, noone asked me!

  • ChuckD

    I must admit that I also find the information on Heller's website, at best, kooky. I would recommend thinking twice about associating such an important message with such a fringe messsenger, and feel that presenting anything there or through her radio show may prove counterproductive in the long run.

    (Grammar corrected)

  • Seven


    What kind of "fruitcake" is Meria Heller, and is this the positive kind of association that SL wants or needs?

    Getting this story out and having it heard during a time in which the media is occupied with global terrorism and war is going to be a difficult task. Exposure is the key here. Bill's doing whatever necessary to be sure as diverse an audience as possible gets the story. Meria's audience is no exception. After a few shows like hers, who knows, maybe Imus will pick it up.

    You go Bill!! We'll all be listening.


  • Seven

    Hi ChuckD, "Important Messages" is what Talk Radio is all about. It is one of the "cornerstones of America." Bill's segment may open the door to nationally syndicated shows. It has to start somewhere. What good is all the work and research going to do if it sits here waiting for the appropriate messenger? Run with it now. You never know who might be listening out there. Arbitron and Edison say that 25% of the American public listen to talk shows on the internet. Add to that those at work, driving in their cars, and at home and you have a huge audience who may never see the Dateline show. Any exposure this story gets is a positive thing.

  • Kent


    Why am I not surprised that you would feel right at home with the beliefs advocated on Heller's website?

    So, the people who don't see the world exactly like you do are stupid? Give my love to your friend Bin Laden. He's got the same views on humanity.

    As for the views of Heller, I don't give a damn. Fact is some people watch this, and the key word is to get the messages out!

    The more channels, the better. The bigger audience, the better. Bill doesn't "subscribe to" the teachings, religion or ideas of the people interviewing him, he brings out his message - and that's what he has promised to do. So he does - and you attack him for that. Naturally. Why am I not surprised?

    Some morons think the way to publish a message is to publish it through "friendly" channels. Channels where the people behind this channels are sympathetic to "our" views, feel, mean and think like we do.

    I should believe the US has learned a lesson the last 3 weeks, and their diplomacy certainly has! They now try to make alliances - just as Bill does.

    So, where does that leave your statement?

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • sf

    I can't open the pageto listen. It's giving me a"request for file cannot be found" window.

    Please make sure the interview gets TAPED so you can place it on your site. Or tell me how to open it!! I can't believe I'm going to miss this because a file cannot be found.

    HELP! Please.


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