1914.... Quotes that mislead the reader

by drew sagan 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    One of the main ways the Watchtower is able to mislead people is by impressing them that they actually fortold the events of 1914. They point to magazine articles and simply make stuff up in order to 'prove' that years in advance they announced that Christ would return in 1914. Typical is this quote:

    Why, then, do the nations not realize and accept the approach of this climax of judgment? It is because they have not heeded the world wide advertising of Christ’s return and his second Presence. Since long before World War I Jehovah’s witnesses pointed to 1914 as the time for this great event to occur. (WT 1954 June 15 p. 370)

    This quote of course is an out right lie. We all know that JWs actually taught Jesus was invisibly present starting in 1874, a teaching that lasted into the late 1920's! I was curious is anybody had other quotes along these lines that they have saved. I am most interested in quotes where they make the claim that they had preached that Christ would return in 1914.

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • yesidid

    Most of these are from MacHislop's great research.

    What follows appears to give the impression that it was always

    believed and taught that Christ would/did return in 1914. As examples:

    1952, 1953, 1954, 1958, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1975, 1977, 1984, 1985, 1986,

    1991, 1993, 1998, 2004, 2005



    16 As for the time of

    Christ’s second presence, Daniel’s prophecy is again

    the one that gives the chronology for it. (Dan. 4:16)

    It was figured out as

    pointing to A.D. 1914, and

    The Watchtower called
    notice to the

    significance of 1914 in the year 1879.


    Predicted were world war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, sectarian divisions, persecution of his followers,

    world-wide preaching of the good news of the established Kingdom, widespread delinquency and general

    breakdown of morals, and many other developments that we have seen since 1914.

    The generation experiencing

    the beginning of these things will survive to see their end at Armageddon

    . (Matt. 24:1-34; 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 13)

    Thereafter eternal life in endless blessings will begin for obedient persons in a new world.—2 Pet. 3:13’.

    The April 1, 1953 issue of The Watchtower on page 215 said:

    "It was therefore not a mere occurrence when devoted men and women

    began to be gathered out of faithless Christendom from and after the year

    1870. God purposed to use them as an organization to do a twofold work.

    First, they

    must proclaim that the Gentile times that began in 607 B. C.

    were due to come to an end A. D. 1914, at which time Jehovah would take

    to himself his official power and begin to reign in the heavens by his anointed

    King. So for some thirty-seven years prior to 1914 this proclamation was sounded


    Quote from the year


    *** w546/15p.370TheRevelationofJesusChrist***


    "Why, then, do the nations not realize and accept the approach of this

    climax of judgment? It is because they have not heeded the world-wide

    advertising of

    Christ's return and his second presence.Since long before

    World War I

    Jehovah's witnesses pointed to 1914
    as the time for this

    great event to occur .

    And since 1914 physical evidences establishing

    this trut

    h have been pointed to repeatedly in the columns of TheWatchtower. "


    1958 publication From Paradise Lost To Paradise Regained said on page 170:

    "In the "Watchtower" magazine of March 1880, they said: "The Times of the

    Gentiles extend to 1914, and the heavenly kingdom will not have full sway

    till then."

    Of all people, only the witnesses pointed to 1914 as the year

    for God's kingdom to be fully set up in heaven



    1963 publication Babylon The Great Has Fallen! God's Kingdom Rules! said on page 515:

    "The historical facts show that

    1919 was the year when the remnant on earth

    of the 144,000 Kingdom heirs began to be freed from Great Babylon.

    In that

    year the message of God's established kingdom began to be preached from house to house and publicly by Jehovah's Christian witnesses in a fearless way

    . This preaching of the Kingdom as established

    in 1914 was in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy in Matthew 24:14: "This good n

    ews of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations


    * Quote from the year



    -The Watchtower ' ,
    July 15th, 1965 page 428

    "Jehovah's Advancing Organization"

    As we look back over the years, we can clearly see how God's organization in modern times has progressed

    in understanding. For example, it learned that Christ's second presence was to be in the spirit, and not in the

    flesh as many professed Christians believe. His rule would be from the heavens. This was a new revelation of

    great importance to God's people who had been

    anxiously awaiting his second presence

    toward the end of the nineteenth century.


    Quote from the year 1966:

    *** w66 2/15 p. 103 Christ’s Return—Do You Know What to Look For? ***

    Compare this with what has taken place since the year 1914.

    For over thirty years before that date and for half a century since,

    Jehovah’s witnesses have pointed

    to the year 1914 as the time for the end of

    "the appointed times of the nations"

    and the time in which Christ would begin his


    (Luke 21:24)

    The 1975Yearbook page 37 said:

    "Even earlier, however, C. T. Russell wrote an article entitled "Gentile Times:

    When Do They End?" It was published in the Bible Examiner of October 1876,

    and therein

    Russell said: "The seven times will end in AD 1914." He had

    correctly linked the Gentile Times with the "seven times" mentioned in the book of Daniel.

    (Dan. 4:16, 23, 25, 32)

    True to such calculations, 1914 did mark the end

    of those times and the birth of God's kingdom in heaven with Christ

    Jesus as king. Just think of it! Jehovah granted his people that

    knowledge nearly four decades before those times expired."

    The 1977Yearbook on page 203 said:

    "Some whose expectations for 1914 were too great were disappointed and left the truth.

    But, for the most part, the brothers remained faithful. Today we know that they were

    right in believing that the Gentile Times of 2,520 years would run out

    about October 1, 1914. The Messianic kingdom then started to rule in heaven.

    One of the greatest events in human history had occurred, and the brothers

    had been privileged to share in announcing it!"


    w 198412/1 pp. 13-14 Happy Are Those Found Watching! ***

    19 Among the so-called heretical groups who were watching for the sign of Christ’s

    return in the latter third of the 19th century was a Bible-study class presided over by

    Charles Russell in Pittsburgh, United States. Russell wrote: "From 1870 to 1875

    was a time of constant growth in grace and knowledge and love of God and his

    Word. . . . However, we were then merely getting the general outline of God’s plan,

    and unlearning many long-cherished errors. . . . We felt greatly grieved at the error

    of Second Adventists, who were expecting Christ in the flesh."

    20 Russell and his associates quickly understood that Christ’s presence would be

    invisible. They disassociated themselves from other groups and, in 1879, began publishing

    spiritual food in Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence. From its first

    year of publication, this magazine pointed forward, by sound Scriptural reckoning,

    to the date 1914 as an epoch-making date in Bible chronology.

    So when Christ’s invisible presence began in 1914, happy were these Christians to have been found watching!


    1985 publication Life -- How did it get here? By Evolution or by Creation? on pages 227-229 said:

    "The Bible also provided chronological evidence that

    1914 would mark

    the birth of God's heavenly Kingdom

    , to be followed by unprecedented

    world trouble. But was anyone living back then aware that 1914 would be

    such a turning point in history?

    Decades before that date, there was an

    organization of people who were making known the significance of 1914



    1986 publication Jehovah's Witnesses Unitedly Doing God's Will Worldwide

    said on page 8:

    "Russell and his associates also

    saw that Christ's presence was to be invisible,

    in spirit. The Gentile Times, during which period God's sovereignty was not being

    expressed through any government on the earth, were to end in 1914.

    Then God's

    Kingdom would be established in heaven. These teachings are identified

    with Jehovah's Witnesses today. Russell and his companions announced

    these truths far and wide by talks and printed page."

    The greatest Man who ever lived

    . 1991



    A careful study of Bible prophecies, including Jesus’ own prophecy regarding the

    last days, reveals that "the Lord’s day" began in the history-making year 1914, yes,

    within this generation! So it was in 1914 that Jesus returned invisibly, without

    public fanfare and with

    only his faithful servants being aware of his return.

    In that year Jehovah gave Jesus the command to go subduing in the midst of his enemies.

    The March 22,

    1993 issue of Awake! said on page 10:

    "If you are inclined to dismiss all of this as pie in the sky, too good to be true,

    pause again and reflect.

    In addition to the features of the composite sign of

    Christ Jesus' presence, there is Bible chronology that pointed to 1914 as the

    beginning of his presence. Jehovah's Witnesses published the date 1914 as a

    significant year in the development of Jehovah's Kingdom rule of the earth,

    doing so in the Watch Tower magazine of July 1879

    Many historians and

    observers of world affairs have noted that the year 1914 ushered in an entirely

    different and significant period in human history, as the accompanying box indicates


    Quote from the year




    "The eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the

    sons of God."—ROMANS 8:19.

    THE situation of true Christians today resembles that of the first-century

    Christians. A prophecy helped Jehovah’s servants of those days to identify

    when the Messiah was due to appear. (Daniel 9:24-26)

    The same prophecy foretold Jerusalem’s destruction but contained no

    elements enabling Christians to know in advance when that city would be

    destroyed. (Daniel 9:26b, 27)

    Similarly, a prophecy providentially caused sincere 19th-century

    Bible students to be in expectation.

    By linking the "seven times" of Daniel 4:25 with "the times of the Gentiles,"

    they anticipated that Christ would receive

    Kingdom power in 1914.

    Then i n the Watchtower March 1 2004 page 14 paragraph 6

    "After speaking of "that evil slave," Jesus gave two parables to show why

    some anointed Christians would prove to be faithful and discreet while others

    would not. To illustrate discretion, he said: The kingdom of the heavens will

    become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the

    bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. For the

    foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, whereas the discreet took

    oil in their receptacles with their lamps." (Matthew 25:1-4).

    The ten virgins

    remind us of anointed Christians before 1914. They had calculated

    that the bridegroom, Jesus Christ, was about to make an appearance


    Hence, they "went out" to meet him, boldly preaching that "the appointed times

    of the nations" would end in 1914. Luke 21:24."

    "What does the Bible Really Teach"


    Starting on page 84:

    22 When Jesus told his followers to pray, "Let your Kingdom come" it was

    clear that the Kingdom had not come at that time…….There was a waiting

    period………….23 For how long

    ? During the 19th century, sincere Bible

    students calculated that the waiting period would end in 1914


    World events that began in 1914 confirm that the calculation of these sincere

    Bible students was correct.

    The fulfillment of Bible prophecy shows that

    in 1914, Christ became King and God’s heavenly Kingdom began to rule.

    Could this have been examples of brothers in the writing department

    who knew no better? Yes it could, but in the article below the governing

    body takes full responsibility for everything the Society prints.

    *** w87 3/1 14-15 'Upon the Watchtower I Am Standing' ***

    16 How would TheWatchtower maintain the purity of its printed message? The magazine’s

    first editor, C. T. Russell, instituted safeguards to make certain that what was printed in


    Watchtower was the truth as then understood. One of those safeguards is identified in his

    will made on June 27, 1907. (Russell died on October 31, 1916.) His will states:

    "I direct that the entire editorial charge of ZION’SWATCHTOWER shall be in the hands of a

    committee of five brethren, whom I exhort to great carefulness and fidelity to the truth. All articles

    appearing in the columns of ZION’SWATCHTOWER shall have the unqualified approval of

    at least three of the committee of five, and I urge that if any matter approved by the three be

    known or supposed to be contrary to the views of one or both of the other members of the

    committee, such articles shall be held over for thought, prayer and discussion for three months

    before being published—that so far as possible the unity of the faith and the bonds of peace

    may be maintained in the editorial management of the journal."


    Each member of the Editorial Committee, according to Russell’s will, had to be "thoroughly

    loyal to the doctrines of the Scriptures" and had to exhibit, as prominent characteristics,

    "purity of life, clearness in the truth, zeal for God, love for the brethren and faithfulness to

    the Redeemer." Also, Russell stipulated that "it shall not in any manner be indicated by

    whom the various articles appearing in the journal are written . . . that the truth may be

    recognized and appreciated for its own worth, and that the Lord may more particularly be

    recognized as the Head of the church and the Fountain of truth."

    18 To this day the Governing Body

    follows similar guidelines.

    Each article in both The Watchtower and Awake! and every page, including

    the artwork, is scrutinized by selected members of the Governing Body

    before it is printed. Furthermore, those who assist in writing articles for

    The Watchtower are Christian elders who appreciate the seriousness

    of their assignment. (Compare 2 Chronicles 19:7.)

    They spend many hours in researching the Bible and other

    reference material

    to make sure that what is written is the truth


    that it faithfully follows the Scriptures.

    (Ecclesiastes 12:9, 10; 2 Timothy 1:13)

    It is not unusual for one magazine article—that you may read in

    15 minutes—to take from two weeks to over a month to prepare.

    9 Therefore, you can read The Watchtower and Awake! with confidence.


    *** w95 5/15 22-3 Flashes of Light-Great and Small (Part 2) ***

    For many years the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses was synonymous

    with the

    board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of

    Pennsylvania, and

    matters were largely in the hands of its president.

    As shown in the 1977YearbookofJehovah’sWitnesses (pages 258-9),

    in 1976 the Governing Body

    began to function with six committees,

    each assigned to care for certain aspects of the worldwide work.

    The Personnel Committee deals with personnel matters, including the interests

    of all who serve in the worldwide Bethel family. The Publishing Committee handles

    all secular and legal matters, such as property and printing. The Service Committee

    concerns itself with the witness work and supervises traveling overseers, pioneers,

    and the activities of congregation publishers.

    The Teaching Committee is responsible

    for congregation meetings, special assembly days, circuit assemblies, and district and

    international conventions as well as the various schools for the spiritual education of God’s people.

    The Writing Committee supervises

    the preparation and

    translation of publications in all forms,

    making sure

    that everything is in line

    with the Scriptures.

  • Kaput
  • bennyk

    Drew, if I remember correctly, that same paragraph has some manner of statement castigating non-Witnesses for failing to note the 'separating work going on before their very eyes since 1914'. Of course, now that the teaching has been altered, it would appear that the nations were not so very stupid; only the Society was stupid for insisting (until October 1995) that a separating work had been taking place...

  • Honesty

    I own THE HARP of GOD published by the Watchtower Society in 1928.





  • Cordelia

    didnt they discern 'something was going to happen tho' or was that 1975. did they not foretell 1914 at all?

  • Jeffro

    They 'foretold' that something would happen in or after October of 1914. Specifically, they were "expecting this Age to close with an awful time of trouble, … to break out with suddenness and force not long after October, 1914.” (The Watchtower, 15 May 1911)

    By co-incidence, a war started that year, much too early to really have anything to do with their flawed predictions, but they've taken it as relating to their predicitons anyway and run with it ever since.

    It is wholly a deception.

  • yesidid



    "Some may feel that the Society's time prophecy regarding 1914

    must be correct since World War I broke out in that year

    . It would seem remarkable if

    an event such as World War I could be accurately predicted 39 years in advance.

    To consider the validity of this conclusion, we need to examine

    just what the Bible Students were predicting prior to 1914.

    In the book The Time Is At Hand, 1909 edition, page 77, 78 (See A10)

    Russell predicted these events to occur by or before the year 1914:

    1. Kingdom of God to have full universal control of the earth.

    2. Christ Jesus will overthrow all earthly governments.

    3. Before end of 1914, last member of Body of Christ glorified in heaven.

    4. Jerusalem (literal) will no longer be trodden down by gentiles.

    5. Israel's blindness turned away; Jews become converted to Christ

    6. "Time of trouble" to reach climax in world reign of anarchy.

    7. God's Kingdom completely consumes power of worldly governments.

    In the years preceding 1914, there was widespread fear of world war,

    which many felt was inevitable(4). Russell, however, did not expect war to

    break out in 1914. Note this comment made in a Watchtower article in 1893:

    "A great storm is near at hand. Though one may not know exactly when it will break forth,

    it seems reasonable to suppose that it cannot be more than twelve or fourteen years yet future."

    Twelve or fourteen years from 1893 would be 1905 or 1907 - not 1914. So actually Russell was

    preaching that if war did break out it would have to be some years prior to 1914, when he

    expected God's kingdom to be fully established over earth. In actuality,

    none of the events that Russell predicted to happen did


    And the one thing he did not expect to happen did.

    The year 1914 and the years immediately thereafter proved to be devastating to the Bible Students.

    They had expected to be in heaven ruling with Christ. Many of them left, their hopes dashed in

    bitter disappointment over the failure of their hopes to materialize. In the 1916 edition of

    the same book, Russell felt compelled to give the following explanation in the author's forward:

    "The author acknowledges that in this book he presents the thought that the Lord's saints might

    expect to be with Him in glory at the end of the Gentile Times. This was a natural mistake to

    fall into, but the Lord overruled it for the blessing of His people. The thought that the Church

    would all be gathered to glory before October, 1914, certainly did have a very stimulating and

    sanctifying effect upon thousands, all of whom accordingly can praise the Lord --

    even for the Mistake."

    The confusion that they felt can be seen in a statement in the Watch Tower

    of September 1, 1916. After commenting on their disappointment

    that the harvest work was not over, but seemed to be continuing, he stated:

    "In the meantime, our eyes of understanding should discern clearly the Battle

    of the Great Day of God Almighty now in progress;

    and our faith,

    guiding our eyes of understanding through the Word, should enable

    us to see the glorious outcome -- Messiah's Kingdom." -- Watch Tower,

    September 1, 1916, page 265

    But history was once again to prove them wrong and it was necessary to "adjust." In this case

    "adjusting their understanding somewhat" meant transferring all the expectations for 1874 and 1878

    to 1914 and 1919. After Russell's death in 1916, Joseph F. Rutherford became president of the Society.

    In 1917 he published The Finished Mystery in which he made some bold predictions of his own

    regarding the years 1918 and 1920. These predictions also failed to materialize. However when a new

    edition of the book was published in 1926, the offending statements were modified so as to cover

    up the false prediction:

  • vitty
    Didnt Russell and the rest of bethel, stand on Brooklyn bridge waiting for armageddon in Oct 1914 ??

    Im sure I read somewhere that they did

  • Terry
    Didnt Russell and the rest of bethel, stand on Brooklyn bridge waiting for armageddon in Oct 1914 ??

    Im sure I read somewhere that they did

    October has 31 days. Winter time. The bridge is very breezy.

    Urban legend.

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