Concerning the 2nd Coming of Christ I'll say this.
Nobody understood the first coming. What makes you think those people knew anything AT ALL about a 2nd coming? If any part of the bible messege wasn't garbled it's clear the apostles and 1st Century Christians who should have/might have been privvy to information of this nature didn't know squat! They thought it would happen in THEIR LIFETIME!
Think about it--all the so-called "signs" making up clues about an advent of a 2nd coming have been misinterpreted by the GREATEST minds of EVERY century since that time!! Every last one of them were DEAD WRONG. (They were wrong and now they are dead.)
The so-called "signs" are ambiguous for a reason. Nobodyknew what they were talking about when they spoke/wrote them.
The 2nd coming, I believe, is part of the carrot and stick program of the Christian church. Heaven/Paradise/Reward is the carrot and the 2nd coming/Armageddon is the stick.
I don't think that the book of Revelation is worthy of attention and neither did Martin Luther! (Until it proved useful to do so). The ravings of obsessive/compulsive religious fanatics were everywhere in the first 3 centuries (as they are today). The fact that this particular lunatic fringe horror story became bible canon is a quirk of history/politics. Like so many other myths, legends, Jesus stories and predictions, the events depicted in Revelation are not a road map to reality. They are more like a bad LSD trip.
Basing the brief life you have now on tales spun by people without anything better to do who were overwrought by religious indoctrinations is a waste of your time, effort and attention.
Absolutely NOBODY knows anything at all about the bible, the 2nd coming or anything else related to God. It is all fervent OPINION and nothing more! History consistently proves this over and over and over. You could compile a very long list of sacred pronouncements about End Times that could be flushed down the toilet because they never happened EVEN THOUGH THE AUTHORITY BEHIND THOSE PREDICTION were absolute and convinced.
When something is true it is verifiable by persons of diverse backgrounds and varied locations. I'm talking facts here. Bigfoot, Elvis sightings, UFO abductions cannot be proved because they are merely CLAIMS. The bible is in this category. It consists of CLAIMS unverifiable and subject to opinion, interpretations and fanaticisms.
None of the major religions has a unity of agreement among its constituents because no religion is subject to being verified the way FACTS are verified. Opinions differ. Facts are demonstrable.
Christianity has to have "something" to live for that is in the immediate future or else it would vanish from feckless over-exaggerations like quack medicine that promises cures that never happen.
The Muslims are waiting for their "hidden Imam". The Jews are waiting for their Messiah. Christians are waiting for Jesus Pt.2, etc. etc. These religions have to have a future event to wait for, pine for, hope for and look forward to.
Don't fall into this trap and waste your life waiting for Godot!
Do you know how many faithful kind-hearted and intelligent people have spent their lives in anticipation of such events which did NOT happen? They could have had a more meaninful, full and rich existence, but, they squandered it on false opinion and exaggerated sales pitches.
Worship God in your mind where he actually lives. Worship God in your heart where he can be felt. But, don't waste your actual moments of existence fretting over an arrival that has been "any minute now" for TWO THOUSAND YEARS!!
When will we ever learn????