Suppose the late Andy Kauffman got disfellowshipped? What would happen? How would he handle it?
I think he would deliberately seek out Sister HyperLoyal , pushing a cart at Costco, and invade her personal space while yelling
"Boougah, Boougah"!
I think he would put on a fake mustache and insist to the congregation that he's really somebody else named "Tony".
I think Witness kids would get swatted by their parents for returning his facial gesticulations while sticking out his tongue.
I think he would follow Witnesses around and stare at them and point in horror - after making fart noises nearby.
Come to think of it, although I'm not df'd, I'm going to give Sister HyperLoyal the Boougah Boougah treatment , next time I see her
racing her shopping cart away from me. Or I may shout "Nanny nanny Boo Boo, Your head is full of Doo Doo!"
What would happen if every ex JW did stuff like this? Reacting to stern congregational discipline by acting juvenile? How would Witness
kids be affected? Could they sustain a personal image of evil, demonic apostates while encountering annoying Merry Pranksters?
Could there be a breakdown in discipline? Would elder's wives complain about being embarrassed in public? and do what about it?
Happy Hunting