Were You Ever Falsely Accused By The Elders Regarding Anything???
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
many times. Even twice the C.O. had to come to the congrgation away form the usual visits to straighten out the Body of Elders tellinf them to stop their wtich hunt on me. I have to admit if they had not witch hunted me I might still be in.
I was accused of fornication with a married sister twice my age. This sister was having difficulties in her life and marriage, elder husband was DF'd, she had 4 kids. I just happen to be there. ALl I did was listen. She fell for me and tried to kiss me. Her young daughter told the elders, next thing you know, rumor has it we're having sex in the back seat of a buick.
One of the elders, the P.O. didn't believe me when I told him it was just a kiss and nothing else happened. He tried to get specifics, like did you use your tongue, were your clothes on, did you feel each other, and if yes, where?
I finally stood up and told him, "listen, I know what happened, the Lord knows what happened, I could care less what you think, because I know and HE knows, nothing happened." With that I walked out. They never did anything, they did tell me that I must not ever see or talk to tis sister or her family again.
The P.O. told me, "I don't believe you. You mean to tell me a young man like yourself, alone with a women who desires you and after a kiss you just back off and walk away?" I said "yep ... I have a lot of self control."
for years he always looked at me with that "you're guilty" look.
Oh well!
edited cuz it was just too detailed and could identify me.
the story i typed in effect was that i was accused of calling a brother a molester and i never called him anything.
compound complex
Hello Minimus,
In their inimitable fashion, using loophole-loaded language and cloaked meanings, the elders used a Sunday discourse and WT study to warn the congregation about the apostacy breeding in their midst. Comments were specific to me, but not mentioning me by name, of course. Their actions against me within and without the KH were meant to put me in my place, but on NO occasion did any elder ever approach me saying that there was a problem. The rank and file treated me as though there were no change in my status. Why couldn't the elders just have talked to me? Oh, yes, I was an "apostate" from WT rules and regulations, but not from what I understood Christianity to be. My friends and family loved and respected me. They didn't consider me a wayward son of a rebellious slave girl.
The last congregation I was in, the body of elders were indirectly accusing me of apostasy. Someone was sending out anti-watchtower literature to JWs in the congregation, writings letters, etc. And they believed it was me. They harrassed me to no end, phone calls late at night, elders meeting, visit from the P.O., even the D.O.
They could never pin anything on me. I told them that I had better things to do then mail anti-watchtower books to people, wasting money.
I left shortly thereafter!
Yes, once when they made a shepherding call on my exhusband and me regarding some rumors of abuse within the marriage. The PO kept saying "It's obvious you love and respect your husband" over and over. (I don't mean to make light of your question I'm just being sarcastic today)
On a more serious note, an older sister of mine was accused of fornication repeatedly by an elder and his wife. There was never any proof of any wrongdoing and yet they publicly reproved my sister anyway. This was over 20 years ago in a rural congregation. The same congregation also disfellowshipped my oldest sister who had never been baptized. That is a serious WTF?! situation. It was later corrected by an elder brought into 'clean up' our wayward congregation.
Very interesting comments! Thank you!! RR, those elders were after you on immorality and apostasy. Whew!
I've been accused of many things. I was accused by the jerk of my book study overseer, that I was faking my illness. It was part of his smear campaign against me. The other elders didn't phone to find out what was wrong with my health, even though the wife kept telling them. One elder sent a card which read:
"Just to let you know we're thinking of you during this testing time regarding your health. The principle in the scripture that things are established by having 2 or 3 witnesses, can be applied to accepting a diagnosis of our health. Let 2 or 3 independent authorities agree about it then we in the congregation can accept it. One's spiritual health must not be neglected."
I couldn't believe what was written on this card. I stopped going to meetings after that. I eventually had major surgery providing to those idiots on the BOE that I was ill. What angered me was the fact that after my op, the amount of phone calls was unbelievable, and I asked the elders not to phone or visit or there'll be trouble. I spent a period of 8 years being accused of one thing after another, I'm not ready to talk about it at the moment. The elders heartless attitude, not getting their facts right and false teachings that I'm here today on JWD. The sad story is, my wife keeps supporting the elders even though they put me through hell. My marriage is strained because of it, but nothing is going to wipe the smile from my face.
Ironhead, thanks for your expression. I knew many elders that didn't believe it when someone said they were sick-----including elderly ones!