Could satan be the good guy?

by LtCmd.Lore 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PrimateDave

    It should be noted that "God" never told Adam that he would live forever unless he ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad. That is a bit of Watchtower "logic" that we have been told that the account in Genesis 3 implies. So, by that line of reasoning, "God's" threat to kill them on the day of their eating it can still be seen as a lie. Additionally, Satan never promised everlasting life; just that they wouldn't die in that day like "God" had said.


  • Fisherman

    Remmember the LIFE-GIVER. Who is that?

  • Abandoned
    Still, things pretty much equalized until God looked at the city of Babel.

    Yeah, god is like the spoiled, bratty kid who won't let you play with his ball unless he gets to make all the rules. Then when he loses anyway, he changes the rules or takes his ball and goes home.

  • V

    Ricky Gervais comments on Adam, Eve and Satan (first minute general comedy):

    I showed this to my JW wife, she was on the floor LHAO.

  • SPAZnik

    I've sometimes entertained the notion that if the whole God/Satan feud really existed, why would Satan stop at having people believe he doesn't exist. Why wouldn't he masquerade as God (ie. divisive and destructive religion, among other things) and make the ACTUAL godly stuff look EVIL to people. Ie. Music, Nature, Science, Love, Natural Human Emotion, "mistakes" which teach us so much,... whatever people balk at ( out of fear, in my opinion ).

    In simple terms, what if God is really Satan in disguise and Satan is really God?

    I don't find this implausible because there are pros and cons to EVERYTHING in life. Part of what got me thinking this way is the fact that every time I do what everyone else tells me not to because of whatever fears they have, I find a little piece of freedom, peace, paradise and strength that is so difficult to even articulate and noone would even believe or understand unless they let themselves go there too. I find myself not understanding what could be so EVIL about such amazing places.

    SPAZ 8)

  • Green Chille
    Green Chille

    How do you know ....did Satan tell you?

  • PrimateDave

    "Remmember the LIFE-GIVER. Who is that?"

    Current knowledge points to a natural process described by Homo sapiens as Evolution. Whether non human consciousness(es) or intelligence(s) have had anything to do with the matter is unknown. The deity Yahweh Elohim (aka "God", "Jehovah", YHWH) found in certain ancient preserved texts commonly compiled as "The Bible" does not exhibit the necessary intelligence to be called a "Life Giver" in my opinion. For all I know, said deity could be a usurper himself, a Yahweh-come-lately if you will. Considering the blatant internal inconsistencies of the source documents compiled as "The Bible" (Is It God's Word? by Joseph Wheless, Biblical Nonsense by Dr. Jason Long), it is difficult to accept the extra-textual reality of the deity Yahweh-as-described. To take it one step further, it is pure circular logic to insist that "God" made man just because it says so in the book "He" wrote (or had written through "inspiration").

    It is my understanding that the original poster was asking a hypothetical question, playing the devil's advocate if you will. He didn't imply that he actually believe that "God", "Satan", "Adam", and "Eve" ever existed. Frankly, the Talking Snake is never referred to in the Old Testament texts as being "Satan". That belief is a product of theological evolution.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    He didn't imply that he actually believe that "God", "Satan", "Adam", and "Eve" ever existed.

    That's right, I said I'm an atheist. But I still think it's an interesting idea. That this Satan character may have only been doing what he thought was the right thing to do.

    That Tower of Babel thing always made me wonder... 'why would god do that unless he felt threatened?'

    Evidently Satan wasn't completely wrong, right?


  • cultswatter

    Tis a mystery. God makes Satan who decieves eve to take a bite out of the apples. This condems mankind for the next 6000 years of unimaginable suffering and horrror. Looks like God is using Satan to carry out his evil will??

    If God cared even a liitle about humans he would have simply exterminated adam and eve and started all over agian

    Hey did you know that adam and eve had phone numbers?

    Eve 81 , adam 812

  • pobthespazz


    That is a really good call.

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