searching, you nailed it right on the head. That's exactly how I feel...
by depressed 43 Replies latest jw experiences
But at the same time my natural instinct is to turn there since thats what i know, thats where i was raised. So I too feel lost not knowing where to turn. it keeps me up at night the uncertainty of where to turn. I so want to do the right thing spiritually but what is that.
I feel for you guys. That must be tough. A quote I heard on this board once, this won't be perfect because it is from memory, is that this can be the start of the best time of your life. You have embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Some of the things you will find out about yourself will not be pretty, but don't shrink back. You will be a better person at the end of it.
There are very few people, in or outside the society, who take a good, hard look at their foundational beliefs. Most people float through life without asking the hard questions. You will have to. I guarantee, though, the process is worth the effort. Like fine gold coming out of the fire.
new boy
Dear Depressed
"By their LOVE you will recognize them".....................That is the TRUTH!
My 2 children were shunned becaused I left. They did nothing wrong!
Their love is fake!
If you want to be depressed for a FAILED RELIGION...........not a failed marriage!
Big difference
i will add that even though its not a cure, i have found this place refreshingly comforting. In general the people here are incredibly kind and compassionate, much the opposite of what the wts wants everyone to believe about so called "apostates". Its very reassuring for me to know i am not alone. We all go through crap some worse than others. The people here seem to guinuinely care about each other and for that matter everyone so much more than dubs especially the elders who always seemed to have a hidden agenda.