My friend called and told me there were 3 announcements last night at the KH saying x, x, & x are no longer JW's. They all DA'd themselves. All 3 sent letters out to a select group of friends and family before they gave their letters to the elders. I wish I could say I knew who these people are but I don't. I have not attended in over 10 years. All I can say is hooray for them. From what my friend tells me the elders are going crazy trying to find everyone who got letters and might have been influenced. A local needs talk was given on apostacy the same night. They also think there could be others in the congregation who have apostate thoughts as well. Since I quit attending attendance has dropped by over 50%. There are not many members left. I am dying to ask my stepfather who is an elder in that congregation more details but I know he won't tell me. Besides I know I could not hold my glee in.
there is apparently rampant apostacy in my ex kh
by unbeliever 27 Replies latest jw friends
They also think there could be others in the congregation who have apostate thoughts as well.
Translation: someone's starting to add 2 plus 2 and realize it doesn't add up to 5.
Since I quit attending attendance has dropped by over 50%. There are not many members left.
Ha ha......the mighty rivers of Babylon are drying congregation, which used to average 100, is down to an average of 30 - 40 on a Sunday. Pretty slim pickins these days eh?
well right on unbeliever. Thats the best news I heard all week.
Oh and she told me that a lot of people were crying before, during, and after the meeting. That is really so sad. They should be crying tears of joy they escaped that crazy religion. Instead they are crying because they think their loved ones will die at armageddon.
P.S. Last night had the highest attendance of any Thursday night meeting in months. Did the local dubs come out of their warm cozy homes to see the action???
They also think there could be others in the congregation who have apostate thoughts as well.
If they ony knew the reality of how many publishers have apostate thoughts the elders would be afraid to step into a KH for fear that one of them may be 'unbalanced' enough to make sure the elders didn't have to go through Armageddon.
In math terms 1975+1914+1925<A
Food for thought for the remaining ones in the congr.
Would you be willing to let us know what congregation this was? At least the general area?
I would enjoy finding out that the newly DA'ed are browsing this site...
I don't want to get too specific but Northeastern OK.
If they are browsing this site I hope they PM me.
I once attended at KH bookstudy when I was on the road after I DA'd myself After attending meetings for a few weeks and being quiet I managed to get a casual conversation going after a bookstudy about a local news story on a JW who needed a blood transfusion. I managed to get several to admit to having doubts about the WT blood teachings, more started to nod their heads in agreement. The bookstudy conductor moved so fast to break up the discussion and shoo everybody out it was obvious what he was doing. DOUBT is contagious. The meetings are a constant exercise in snuffing out doubt and using group pressure to cause a JW to think that he is alone in doubting the WT dogmas.