For the members of the "gun culture" among us. Last week I finally received my new LRB ARMS M14SA. It is a "TRW" build, with a new Wilson chrome lined barrel, and a Smith Enterprises USCG muzzle brake. And she is a tack driver. With iron sights she holds MOA, or two inches at 200 meters. And with South African surplus I was hitting man sized steel targets at 650 meters almost every time This is one FINE rifle, and the folks at LRB even zeroed her for me. Look out Bigfoot, here I come.
Range Report...
by Justice-One 13 Replies latest social physical
I've always been a fan of the .308 round. Very versatile, and obviously very effective.
G Money
Very nice. I used to do the 200 yard shoot with a .270 and .30-06. You know my AK-47 actually did incredible with iron sights at that range as well! Oh how I miss the good old gun days!!!
fellow gun token fool good for you enjoy. Teach your kids if you have any. The scariest thing to a criminal is armed citizens
Teach your kids if you have any.
For sure. My kids (all now grown) were taught as I was. They also can all put a round in a fleas ass at two hundred meters, AND I trust them behind me with a loaded rifle.
Breath, Aim, Relax, Slack, Squeeze ......FIRE.
And the .308 round (7.62 X 51 Mike Mike) is a very hard hitting round. And effective out to 1000 meters. - Though at that distance it is balistically falling like a rock and ranging is very important. But unlike the .223 (5.56) M16 round, when you are shot with the SAW or M14, you KNOW you have been shot, and you tend to stay down for the count.
Also, this is the same rifle (in semi-auto) that Randy Shughart used in Somalia...when he was awarded the Medal of Honor. (For defending the downed Blackhawk pilot...and dying in the process after he ran out of ammo.)
Darth Yhwh
So where's the pics?
I am still shooting an. 03-A3 and a matching numbers Springfeild Garand.... The eyes are not what they used to be, but 300 meters is a doable shot for me. .30-06 is somewhat superior than .308 Nato but not much.
.223 Nato (55gr FMJ) tends to fragment and tear a lot of flesh on impact..and makes a big exit wound blow out if the bullet passes through..that round has some nasty wound balistics especially at the ranges modern tactics call for.. .30 FMJ usually makes a blood channel all the way through unless it hist bone. All have their place...after all the .223 is a product of non-trench tactical thinking. One hardly ever makes a 300 meter shot unless he's a sniper anymore
All have their place...after all the .223 is a product of non-trench tactical thinking. One hardly ever makes a 300 meter shot unless he's a sniper anymore
You make good points. But (there is always a but) in Somalia the bad guys were getting hit two or three times with a "16" and in many cases either getting back up to run away, (no doubt to die, but they are still a threat until they do) or staying in the fight. Whereas with the M14 (or 7.62 X 51) round, they were getting shot, and staying shot. They went down, and did NOT get back up. (Almost 2500 foot pounds of energy tends to just well and truely ruin your whole day.)
What little of a day they have left.
Marines with M14s do more of this.
And less of this.
Hey guys this site has a report from a guys son who is in the marine on weapons and how they are viewed by the grunts.