My Cat Has Sleeping Sickness!

by Stephanus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    My family went to my In-Laws today for a pre-Christmas do (I had to bow out due to ill-health). Both cats have been in the house sleeping all day. Sugar went out for about half an hour, came back in, ate some dry food and went back to his chair. But his brother, Timothy, has been in the same box for at least 10 hours! He's changed position, but he hasn't got out once, either for toiletries, or food!




    Not to worry:

    "Cats sleep a lot and it is perfectly normal. In fact an average house cat will sleep the majority of its life away. It's one of their most favorite activities and they are really good at it. Most cats will sleep about 16 hours a day, and some even more than that. Whoever said it's a dog's life, obviously never spent time with a cat."


  • Stephanus
    It's one of their most favorite activities and they are really good at it.

    I often say to my wife that cats are falsely maligned as not being a working animal. I figure they see that not enough sleeping's being done, and they set to fixing it!


    Steph..You are soooooo funny!!..Your cat is dead,or asleep..LOL!!..I just got back from the city..My cat was sooooooooooo happy I was home,he woke up!...OUTLAW

  • Stephanus

    The medical crisis has subsided! After I met the family at the train station, and we returned home, the cats all started to wake up and behave like they were once again amongst the living. (But they came back in quick-smart - it was raining! )

  • Stephanus
    Your cat is dead,or asleep..LOL!!..I just got back from the city..My cat was sooooooooooo happy I was home,he woke up!

    Man, that cat must like you! As posited above, mine only bothered waking up when the rest of the family got back - I was obviously too boring for them!

  • Stephanus
    just got back from the city..My cat was sooooooooooo happy I was home,he woke up!...OUTLAW

    BTW, that's good! It means you're able to get around and haven't been snowed in yet - hope this global warmening we keep getting threatened with comes your way! We might even get a white Christmas (well, Central Tasmania and the Snowy Mountains, perhaps), depending on prevailing wind conditions over the next couple of days! (It's Summer, here, remember!)


    Steph..I was getting snowed in..It`s past my knees and up to my thigh`s,I`m 6ft..Thats why I went to the city.I bought a snow thrower..This thing is a monster..I can toss ranchers cattle back into thier own field with it!..LOL!!...OUTLAWCows Dancing

  • 5go

    Most small animals sleep long hour my mom's dog never moves till she get home usualy tens hours. Especialy carnivores it's part of how they work conserve till you need it.

  • candidlynuts

    maybe i'm part cat. i never laid out in the sun for a tan but i would for a nap LOL

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