My son will be 20 years old this week. I can still remember an incident that happened when he was @ 3. He was talking to me about people who weren't Jehovah's Witnesses and he referred to them as Satan worshipers. Now, mind you, he NEVER heard that from either me or his father - but that's what he had picked up from being around witnesses his whole life. Now if a 3 year old can reach this conclusion, imagine what years on years of that kind of indoctrination can do to a brain. I'm sure your grandmother didn't mean to be hurtful, but she's repeating what she's been told to say. Much like a child abuser is taught what to say when being questioned about their bruises.
this doesnt seem quite right to me.
by wonderingkid 19 Replies latest jw friends
A grandmother refusing to hug her grandchild because of differences of view over Christmas?!!? This gramdma may well be responding in accord with watchtower policy, but she still needs to take full responsibility for her twisted withholding of normal affectionate family ties.
Too many JWs remind me of children playing in a sandpit: "Ya gotta play by my rules or I ain't talkin' to ya" I think it's called "emotional blackmail" in plain speaking circles!
Lady Liberty
Dear Wondering Kid,
First of all welcome to the forum. You will learn alot here about JW beliefs. Unfortunately, your Grandmother is in a cult. And because she is so brainwashed, she isn't using any of her own reasoning powers God gave her. Although she would argue to the death on that I am sure, just like every other faithful JW would. I am sorry she hurt your feelings, try not to hold it against her, she is just acting the wasy she has been programmed to respond. Unfortunately JWs believe they are the only righteous ones on earth. Yet they many times are the most judgemental, unloving, and arrogant people I have ever been associated with. Because they think they have been selected by God, they feel empowered, and elevated above everyone else on the planet. Now that I am out, I realise this and am deeply ashamed at how I may have felt about others that were not JWs in my heart. Just be patient, and pray for God to open and soften her heart. Meanwhile, stick around here, you may find some good points to bring up to her in the future if the opportunity arises.
Lady Liberty
Your Grandma is just a typical JW dunderhead, who's preprogrammed to repeat those idiotic fables. Laugh in her face.
Jehovah's Witnesses get to be right by making others wrong. They get to feel superior by demonstrating the inferiority of other's beliefs. They get to feel smart by learning to repeat what they hear which consists of turning everything upside down and calling it rightside up.
Jehovah's Witnesses are contrarians. Their white is everbody else's Black. By being so different they get to call it Better.
Jehovah's Witnesses have no human feelings of empathy. They are taught to pray for the destruction of everybody but themselves. They long for the event which will make the streets run red with the blood of mothers, daughters, infants and others who simply aren't like them. They want you to be like them or to hurry up and die.
That is a simple fact. They consider you worthless. You are to be hated; not prayed for.
JW's have a neurotic disease in their mind transmitted by constant indoctrinations. They call it pure worship.
They have always predicted future events in the name of God and have always been wrong. They are False Prophets. They call what they do THE TRUTH.
Now do you understand?
Terry I printed your post and left it on the printer for someone who is on the edge of being tipped passed her cognitive dissonance
It is obvious that JWs don't care about other peoples feelings, and that is the problem. If you don't care then that is the same as hate. I always try to ask how can a person worship Satan (or any one else) by accident? Remember you are not bound by her limitations, if she wont hug you then she is the one who looses your hugs. ((((((Hugs)))))) There you go those are just for you.
Santa is just Satan with two letters interchanged. They both wear red.
I have heard this a few times from the platform. That is probably where she is getting the satan connection.
BTW, I no longer believe that Santa = Satan. Although, I am not sure which one I want to hang-out with.
Terry I printed your post and left it on the printer for someone who is on the edge of being tipped passed her cognitive dissonance
I think it is like what they say about Alcoholics; you have to hit rock bottom to want to change.
That tipping point is different for everybody.
BTW, I no longer believe that Santa = Satan. Although, I am not sure which one I want to hang-out with
Oh I thought the devil wore red SATIN. Go figure.