As already said, "be yourself." The best.
Pep talk needed...
by esw1966 13 Replies latest jw friends
(((Girl 1))) (((Girl 2))) (((Girl 3)))
You'll be fine.
Because you care so deeply about seeing your children and want so much to be a good dad, I'm sure you will.
You might get some games for you all to play.The girls will start to giggle and everyone will join in and have a great time and memory from the togetherness. Even card games can be fun. Also, cooking together. Get the kitchen good and messy. Shopping nearby or going out looking at the lights on Christmas Eve can be fun. Be sure to have presents for them but don't be upset if they wish to wait till after Christmas to open them. Go to a teen looking store for jewelry and fun looking pens, pencils or jewelry boxes. Things with fake fur on them are attractive to the age group of your girls. So are picture frames that say sisters and then you could take their pictures and send them later to put in the frame.
You might also buy a big book of fairytales. I read to my daughter and niece till they were grown, and even after when we would get together at Grandma's house. I'm sure this could make some special memories.
You do not have to initiate any conversations about the tree, etc. Just answer questions that they will undoubtedly have when they arise.
Hope you have a great time.
Let the respect, confidence and love for yourself and them shine through. Forget about everyone else. What matters is your relationship with them. If you are confident in your decisions and actions - they will see that. If you have respect for yourself and for them - they will see that. If you love them - they will feel that. When I hear of people working themselves up into a lather about what to do around their JW kids it drives me insane. There are millions of kids split between two cultures/religions that are absolutely fine and they don't get that way by accident. They get that way by learning to accept, respect and learn about our differences and that comes from being in a well adjusted, respectful and loving household. Hold you head up high, hug them, have a lot of laughs, listen to some wonderful music or watch a great family show - read a warm and fuzzy book, expose them to this world of beauty - you'll do great! Have a wonderful Christmas, get pictures and create memories! sammieswife.