anyone know if Ray Franz is still around?
franz alive or dead?
by searching4truth 17 Replies latest jw friends
He is alive, but quite elderly.
does he accept correspondence of any sort and will he reply?
You can try correspondence with Ray Franz by writing< info@> but I know he gets so much mail and e-mails, he can hardly keep up. If you don't hear from him though, give him a little slack!
I believe he makes a huge effort to answer all his inquiries. I know he is frail and not in good health, so he may not be as actively replying as he once was.
AK - Jeff
I missed a golden opportunity to meet him about three years back, when we were within a few hundred miles of his home. But our path were not destined to cross.
He still answers my emails - but usually he is quite busy. I hope someone is in place there to 'carry on' his work when he passes.
Carrying on his work is going to be difficult given the position he occupied. Another high-ranking WTS official--or better yet another former Governing Body member--would be great. (Okay, all of you, listen up: it's only a matter of time before this thing comes tumbling down. Why not be part of the healing instead of part of the disease? Remember Jehu.)
He does write back, I corresponded with him years ago.
My husband corresponds with him on a regular basis.
A couple of weeks ago, I spoke with him on the phone and he and his wife are doing reasonably well.
He is a wonderful human being. He is not bitter and always speaks in a upbeat and encouraging manner.
does ever go on any message boards like this