Maybe that means my baptism wasn't valid then. In the photographs, it's obvious that one of my breasts didn't get completely dunked, because that part of the bathing suit is dry. They never required a redunking either.
by vitty 20 Replies latest jw friends
My daughter ( the one that is still a JW) had to get dunked twice because her big toe stuck out. Some of the Congregation voiced the opinion that she really wasnt ready also... She has been one for MANY MANY years -still dont talk to me....
Being that the JWs can't think I understand why they didn't think of this but ....
I was just baptised earlier this year at a Baptist church. They submersed me by having me squat in the water and then standing back up again. It was much easier than doing a back bend. I just thought I would add that bit of info in this discussion.
rolling rock
So dose that mean that Scully can't get DF, if she(her boob) did not make it all the way under the water???
I saw someone at an assembly once who was terrified of water and who was getting baptized. It took forever for her to psych herself up to get dunked, and when she did, she became stiff as a board and her knees didn't go under. So they had to dunk her again. I felt so sorry for her!
I baptized a few people at circuit assemblies back in the late 80's....they always had somebody watching to make sure everything went under. I'd just tell them to keep their feet on the pool floor, bend at the knees and fall back.
It's hard to believe some people would freak-out about a toe (or nipple) not going under....oh wait, these are j-dubs! Not so hard to believe now....
Isn't it a 'sure thing' that the toes get wet -- as soon as you get in ?
That happened to me. One of my arms wasn't all of the way under when I bent backward and they dunked me under again. I thought it was unusual at the time, because I considered myself dunked the first time.,, I suppose it is so nobody could say that they weren't baptized later. Who knew that they were planning ahead for all of us apostates trying to get annulments. Weird!
Is this where Little Toe gets his name from? Was his little toe never a JW?
In the photographs, it's obvious that one of my breasts didn't get completely dunked, because that part of the bathing suit is dry. They never required a redunking either.
Scully has naught boobies!!!