In my case my education in alcohol went hand in hand with my study of the Truth Book. Once the person I was studing with got to know me we would often drink together. I think it may be the glue that holds the whole thing together. It keeps you from thinking clearly and can be used to drown your doubts.
Drinking (booze) among "Gods" people......More then ever now?
by new boy 32 Replies latest jw friends
I didn't start studying until a few weeks after undergraduate graduation. I was legal at 19 (grandfathered in, baby!), so I could have drank through most of my time there. But I had literally about half a dozen beers, and a half a jug of cheap wine. After I got baptized, and started hanging out with some younger "grew up in the truth" people was when I fully embraced my borderline alcoholic, "runs in the family" nature.
There's an unspoken culture among New Zealand JWs:
It doesn't matter how much alcohol you drink provided you do not bring shame on Jehovah's name. They have very little patience with any brother or sister who behaves badly when intoxicated but repeatedly turn a blind eye to any brother (or sister) who can drink a lot and not misbehave. Whether behaving badly or not misbehaving, the truth is the religion is full of heavy drinkers...some are just blessed with quite a capacity for "holding" their drink better.
What most witnesses say when confronted by the abuse of alcohol
It is way over done and nothing is ever done about it,
I had a witness GF whose mother was DFD over private boozing. This was such an unusual thing that many of the elders took the private view that it was basically a vendetta against her because she was unpopular with some of the people in her congregation.
I have seen numerous servants (including Hayden Covington) who showed up at a meeting practically falling-down drunk. Nothing was ever done to any of these "brothers".
I have seen several circuit overseers who really liked their booze, too - just so long as they were in discreet company.
Big double standard on this issue.
Amen James
new boy
My favorite quotes
"I believe in alote of things.........................I believe I'll Have another drink".......W.C. Fields
"Quiting drinking is easy...........................I done it a thousand times..............W.C. Fields
"How is a martini like a women's breast?......One is not enough and three is to many"......NewBoy
I think they have to's a coping mechanism.
From the "my PO was an alcholic class... but he still DF'd my relatives for drinking too much"
I remember being on a cruise with an elder and his wife, he was so drunk the one night he couldn't get out of bed, his wife had to help him to the toilet to spew, he couldn't make dinner and all the others at the table who they tried to witness to all week knew he was drunk as they saw him boarding the boat from an excursion. They lied about it but they winked at me and said they saw and knew it. He gave the local needs talk the next week on the subject of "turning in wrongdoing". Funny his name never came up.
Always remember kids "Never Drink and Drive!"
"you will end up spilling it"
" Do you have a drinking problem Sir , No Dr I drink and fall down , no problem"