Until 1879 no one understood the Bible properly,until God apponted a FDS/IBS.Who would feed the Domestics the proper food at the proper time.(this food got rotten at times)Then in 1918 Jesus Christ came for an inspection and found that the food was rotten and put the Leaders in Jail for 9 months(somehow this fits in with Bible prophecy per FDS/GB,I just don't know how)Than in 1931 they changed their name to JW and in 1935 they began feeding the Jonadab's I guess these Jonadab's were getting very hungry.After they fed the Jonadab's, they started to feed the worldly's.They said the time remaning for this system was short and would end before the generation that saw the world events of 1914 would be alive to see the new system and God's new kingdom ruling on the earth.That generation passed on,so in the wise wisdom of the GB/FDS/WTS in 1995 defined the length and meaning of the generation.They may have missed some scriptures where God defines the length of days for man.(Maybe the light wasn't shining or was blurry).In 2000 the GB/FDS/WTS said the end was very near,deep.deep,deep into this system.In fact "we,are no longer just around the corner,we are around the corner,in fact we are in the last hour".They mentioned 6 signs why the end was near(see 2000 wt&Km).One on those signs were the GB/FDS was getting very old and would not be around much longer.So they are training the Jonadab's,well only special one to take over the feeding chores once all 144k are sealed in heaven.However,if the end doesn't come they the 144k will materialize and help with the sherphering work. These are just a few of my thoughts.
PS.In 1918/1919 when J.C. came for an inspection he caused a schism.