News Clippings from the "Millions" Campaign

by cabasilas 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • M.J.

    Check out the full page spread of the Okland Tribune. This appears to be a paid advertisement by the WTS. The headline reads "RUTHERFORD AT AUDITORIUM SAYS WORLD HAS ENDED". The date reads "April 28, 1919". Just a month after Rutherford was released from prison, for being one of the "holy ones" just spiritualy resurrected. So this was basically the first message delivered by the newly appointed "Faithful Discreet Slave".

  • M.J.

    I notice that the address given for the IBSA was in Lima, Ohio. I didn't know they had some sort of headquarters there. Also it's interesting that most of the lectures took place in either Michigan, Ohio, or Ontario during that time.

    Edited: Oh, it seems to be that the address given corresponded with where the newspaper ad was published. I guess the WTS was not as centralized at that time, having the local congregations handle things in their vicinity.

  • cabasilas

    Actually, the lectures took place world wide. Check the last pages at the bottom of the Oakland Tribune ad. The source I was using had a bunch of the Lima OH paper online. These ads were in many more papers but only a few of the older papers are online. The Lima address was just the local Bible Student meeting place.

    My guess is that Brooklyn provided a template copy for the ads which were adjusted to include the local specifics: the date, place, speaker and a local contact.

  • M.J.

    Is it possible to find an ad or news story on the 1922 Cedar point convention--the one with the message to "advertise advertise advertise" the king and his kingdom? This particular convention is supposed to be in fulfilment of all kinds of bible prophecy.

  • cabasilas

    I checked the online collection but didn't see any references to the 1922 convention. I'm sure there was some coverage but the online collection is very limited.

  • jayhawk1

    Gotta feel sorry for anybody who bought into these ads and became a JW for the rest of their lives.

  • Leolaia

    Here are some headlines from my collage:

    "Van Amburgh Says Dead Will Rise in Four Years -- Lecturer Sees Paradise on This Earth in the Year 1925"

    "Raising of Dead in 1925 Foretold by Bible Student -- W. E. Van Amburgh, Leader of International Association, Delivers Address on Savior's Reign at Wednesday Club Auditorium"

    "Speaker Predicts Satan's Waterloo"

    "Sees Paradise on Earth in 1925 -- Millions Now Living Will Never Go to Graves, Says W. E. Van Amburgh"

    "Christmas For a Thousand Years -- Special Sermon in Library Hall by W. E. Van Amburgh"

    "Earth Will be the Heaven For Mankind, Says Speaker"

    "Millions of People Now on Earth Will Live Forever -- Many in This City Who Will Probably Never Need the Services of an Undertaker or Lot in Cemetary, Was Declaration Made by W. E. Van Amburgh of Brooklyn, N.Y."

    "Rochester to Be a Part of New Paradise"

    "Predicts Boise Residents Will Know Abraham -- W. E. Van Amburgh, Lecturer, Says Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Furnish Means of Getting Closer Together"

    "Bible Prophecies Near Fulfillment -- Speaker at City Auditorium Says Millennium is Close at Hand -- New Era to Start in 1925, He Declares"

  • cabasilas

    Wow! Are those scannable? Those would be great to see!!

  • Leolaia

    Here's one of them:

  • Leolaia

    Here is another one:

    It bears repeating that this collage was submitted and probably put together by Mr. Van Amburgh himself.

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