dmouse gave you good advice about the Vitamen C. I just got over my cold by taking 1000 mg of C every 4 hours. Also took ALJ, a herbal remedy designed especially for respiratory support. I did take Nyquil one night, but it left me so groggy the next day that I couldn't function.
by kittyeatzjdubs 25 Replies latest jw friends
I hope you are feeling better today, jojo.
Sounds like you got what I had 2 months ago. It kicked my butt for 2 weeks before I was over it. The second week I had a gallon of orange juice every 3 days and continued that consumption for another week.
Well I went to the doctor yesterday, b/c I had taken some benadryl the night before, but I woke up at 3am coughing and more congested than ever. I was coughing so much that I couldn't even go back to sleep. So come 7am, I'm doing the zombie walk into the office. I make it to 7:30 and I called my supervisor, in tears, b/c I felt so bad. My chest hurt, my throat hurt, I couldn't quit coughing, and I was freaking tired. She took pity on me and let me leave so I could go to the doctor.
So I went to the doctor and I don't have the flu or strep throat. She (doctor) said that I just have whatever bug has been going around. So she gave me a ZPack of antibiotics and some cough syrup/decongestant. I went home and stayed on the couch all day watching tv, eating chicken soup, and taking my drugs.
I'm still coughing and a bit congested, but I don't feel as run down, thanks to all the rest I got yesterday.
Thanks everyone for caring.
~luv, jojo
Z Pack is some good stuff. Get well, nothing like being sick between Christmas and New Years. Everybody you know wants to see you and so do you, but you're too sick to do so.
Z Pack is some good stuff. Get well, nothing like being sick between Christmas and New Years. Everybody you know wants to see you and so do you, but you're too sick to do so.
I know. Me and my best friend are going out Sunday night for new years. I was so glad it wasn't anything serious. I just hope this cough goes away by then, at least for that night....I can't be mixing beer and cough syrup. ~luv, jojo